Best Online Law Degree Programs

Get detailed information about best online Law degree programs and their tuition, accreditation, career prospects, scholarships, admission details and much more

Online Law Degree Programs

Law is a set of rules that are created and enforced through social or governmental institutions to regulate behavior. The course is pursued by the students to get trained in order to be the professionals in the justice system and the government and private agencies. 

Some features of this course are:

  • Provides the skills in criminology and the legal systems.

  • The subject is explored in the historical, political and cultural context.

  • Skills of advocacy are developed.

  • Communication and Written skills are enhanced.

  • Critical analysis is made for legal documents and issues. 

Law offers various degrees respectively, with different specializations.

The Bachelor’s Degree in Law is an undergraduate degree which mainly focuses on providing students with the necessary introduction and background to build a foundation of legal knowledge and justice systems. The duration of the course is from 3-4 years.  

A Juris Doctor Degree is a graduate entry-level degree with can be earned after getting a Bachelor’s degree. It is generally a three years degree. After getting a Juris Doctor Degree, a person can get a license to practice law.

A Master of the Law Degree is a second professional degree after a Juris Doctor Degree. It is a one-year course and the student can choose his/her area of interest. Few subjects which are studied are legal systems, philosophy of law, and many others. 

A Doctorate Degree or Doctor of Juridical Science is pursued after completing a Master’s degree. Time for the completion of a Doctorate degree varies from 3-4 years. The program is aimed at the students interested in academic research and professional working.

Various specializations available in Law are Bankruptcy Law, Civil Rights Law, Criminal Law, and Environmental Law.

Some of the job opportunities which a student can look forward to with a degree in law are Lawyers and judges, Paralegal Assistance, Legal Assistance, Magistrates, and Professors.

The average wage of a professional holding a law degree is $73,833. The total number of people in the workforce is 88,156. This number has increased by 1.47%. The people in the workforce currently is around 88,156 and is increasing by 1.4%. 

The profession of law can be pursued if you're interested in the legal systems and international relations governing the world. The course will train you to be aware of the laws, policies and the current trends governing the systems, government or private. 

Graduate Certificate Degrees in Law

Institution Type: Private Not-For-Profit

Law Accreditation: Request Info

Avg Credits: 15

Avg Tuition: $ 18,000

Specializations Offered: Legal Studies

Total Programs in Law (1)

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Institution Type: Private Not-For-Profit

Law Accreditation: Request Info

Avg Credits: 12

Avg Tuition: $ 30,828

Specializations Offered: Finance

Total Programs in Law (3)

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Institution Type: Private Not-For-Profit

Law Accreditation: Request Info

Avg Credits: 14

Avg Tuition: $ 50,358

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Total Programs in Law (1)

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Institution Type: Public

Law Accreditation: Request Info

Avg Credits: 12

Avg Tuition: Request Info

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Total Programs in Law (1)

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Graduate Certificate in Public Administration

Regent University

Regent University

Virginia Beach, Virginia

Institution Type: Private Not-For-Profit

Law Accreditation: Request Info

Avg Credits: 12

Avg Tuition: $ 7,800

Specializations Offered: Public Policy

Total Programs in Law (1)

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Doctorate Programs in Law

Institution Type: Private Not-For-Profit

Law Accreditation: Request Info

Avg Credits: 88

Avg Tuition: $ 33,000

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Total Programs in Law (1)

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Institution Type: Private Not-For-Profit

Law Accreditation: Request Info

Avg Credits: 40

Avg Tuition: $ 40,084

Specializations Offered: Public Policy , Social Work +1 more

Total Programs in Law (7)

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Institution Type: Private Not-For-Profit

Law Accreditation: ABA

Contact No: (415) 442-7800

Avg Tuition: Request Info

Specializations Offered: Public Relations , Writing

Total Programs in Law (4)

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Doctor of Law

Institution Type: Private Not-For-Profit

Law Accreditation: Request Info

Contact No: (202) 319-5000

Avg Tuition: Request Info

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Total Programs in Law (1)

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Institution Type: Public

Law Accreditation: Request Info

Avg Credits: 82

Avg Tuition: $ 42,558

Specializations Offered: Legal Studies

Total Programs in Law (2)

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Institution Type: Private For-Profit

Law Accreditation: Request Info

Avg Credits: 140

Avg Tuition: $ 36,400

Specializations Offered: Legal Studies

Total Programs in Law (1)

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Undergraduate Certificate Degrees in Law

Institution Type: Private For-Profit

Law Accreditation: Request Info

Avg Credits: 30

Avg Tuition: $ 17,900

Specializations Offered: Legal Studies

Total Programs in Law (1)

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Institution Type: Private For-Profit

Law Accreditation: Request Info

Avg Credits: 30

Avg Tuition: $ 17,400

Specializations Offered: Legal Studies

Total Programs in Law (1)

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Institution Type: Private Not-For-Profit

Law Accreditation: Request Info

Avg Credits: 4

Avg Tuition: $ 2,725

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Total Programs in Law (1)

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Institution Type: Public

Law Accreditation: Request Info

Avg Credits: 15

Avg Tuition: $ 6,375

Also See: Programs & Tuitions

Total Programs in Law (1)

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Post Baccalaureate Certificate Degrees in Law

Institution Type: Private Not-For-Profit

Law Accreditation: Request Info

Avg Credits: 33

Avg Tuition: $ 19,649

Specializations Offered: Legal Studies

Total Programs in Law (1)

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