Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE)

Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering accredits institutions providing technology, management, and applied engineering disciplines. Learn more ATMAE accreditation.

TCM Staff

22nd October 2020

The Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) is the association that provides accreditations to institutions providing technology, management, and applied engineering disciplines to the students.

It consists of more than 1000 innovative members sharing ideas on engineering, research, and technology applications. ATMAE consists of members from wide areas including educators, administrators, students, industry professionals, and many more. Specialized accreditation for 2-year, 4-year, professional degree, programs and are dedicated to providing numerous opportunities for professional development.

Through its commitment to programs and by the membership, ATMAE is now, a leader in technology, management, applied engineering, and more in the industry. The aim of the organization is to set and maintain standards for educational and industrial scenarios involving technology, engineering, and management.

ATMAE Code of ethics includes the strategy of the organization to serve the students and institutions with the highest priority. The organization also believes in setting honest and realistic goals. The organization also believes in the anti-bribery environment. The board also believes in not letting any harm to others, their employment, or their reputation.

The organization also aims to maintain the highest standards for any program that it accredits.

History of ATMAE

ATMAE especially encourages and recognizes the achievement of professional goals under the technical domain.

  • The association was formerly called as the NAIT and was recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation in the year 2002.

  • Almost 180 Baccalaureate programs are accredited by the ATMAE currently. 273 Baccalaureate programs are also accredited by the ATMAE.

  • ATMAE also accredits 13 Masters level programs across 5 institutions.

  • ATMAE is currently a member of the Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors (ASPA)  

  • Initial accreditation is granted for a four-year period

ATMAE AccreditationSource:

Benefits of ATMAE Accreditation

A few of the institutional and programmatic benefits of ATMAE accreditation are as given below.

  • The ATMAE accreditation is quality on accreditation of the programs.

  • The quality of a program with respect to the other program is shown.

  • Accreditation is important in student placement and inculcating in them the idea of personal well-being.

  • Accreditation makes sure that quality is an important part of the educational process.

  • Institutional level funding will be higher for accredited programs

  • Students within accredited programs would only be eligible for financial aid

  • Specific internal or external assessment along with a high degree of integrity is exhibited by the ATMAE accredited programs.

  • The quality of teaching and learning has been considerably raised.

Why become  ATMAE accredited?

The requirement for accreditation has 5 levels of impact. They are as given below.

  • ATMAE accreditation for the public – The public definitely has a general expectation from each profession. Every profession is a service to society and maintaining the standard of it using accreditation is a way to ensure the effective imparting of knowledge using the accreditation.

  • ATMAE accreditation for the welfare of students – Accreditation helps in the transfer of accredits among institutions. Accreditation ensures that the curriculum is designed in such a way so as to enable students for licensure and practice.

  • ATMAE Accreditation for Higher Education Institutions – helps in self-evaluation and improvement. Financial aid awarding agencies, both private and public agencies, including the Department of Education consider accreditation as a deciding factor in granting financial aid.

  • ATMAE Accreditation for Professional Life – An ATMAE accreditation ensures that the etiquette and knowledge for a technical and management role are inculcated in the student.

  • ATMAE Accreditation for Industry – Ensures that every graduate is equipped with adequate skills and competencies for professional life.

ATMAE Accreditation Process

Like every other accreditation, ATMAE accreditation also has to pass through several processes. A few of the steps of receiving ATMAE accreditation are as given below.

  • The Accreditation Self-Study Workshop is attended by a representative of the institution.

  • The ATMAE Professional consultant plays an important role by informing the applicants of all the necessary information regarding the qualifications and readiness of a program.

  • A formal request is thereafter made to the accreditation office.

  • Initial accreditation is made once whereas the maintenance fee is paid every year during the accreditation period.

The Responsibilities of an evaluating member of the ATMAE accreditation council are as given below.

  • A clear description and analysis of the program are generated.

  • Findings and conclusions are presented about the quality of the program.

  • The strengths and weaknesses of the program are presented.

  • Improvement plans of the program are outlined.

  • The number and level of achievements of the program are presented.

  • The outcomes and success of the program are also presented.

  • At least 30 days before the scheduled visit the team is available.

The evaluation team should not only have detailed information about the accreditation standards but should have the ability to planning and organizing a scheduled site visit.

Importance of ATMAE AccreditationSource:

Criteria for ATMAE accreditation

For a program to be accredited the program outcomes should fall in line with the expectations of the program. And based on the rate of similarity of expectations and outcomes, the accreditation quality is presented. The ATAME evaluation is done based on the following criteria.

  • Preparation for Self-Study

  • Program Definition

  • Program title, Mission, General Outcomes

  • Competency Identification and validation

  • Program Structure and Course Sequencing

  • Transfer Course Work

  • Student Enrollment

  • Administrative Support and Faculty Qualifications

  • Facilities, Equipment, and Technical Support

  • Program/ Option Operation

  • Program Goals

  • Graduate Satisfaction

  • Employment of Graduates

  • Job Advancement of Graduates

  • Employer Satisfaction and Job Performance

  • Graduate success in the advanced program

  • Student Success in passing Certificate Exams

  • Outcome measures used to improve the program

  • Program responsibility to provide information to the public

Institutions Accredited by the ATMAE

A few of the institutions accredited by the ATMAE are as given below.


ATMAE has to date been successfully qualifying the programs that met the accrediting standards. And hence, the organization played an effective role in carving out the best professionals in technology, engineering, and management. If not for ATMA, there definitely would have been poorly qualified and less competent professionals entering into the industry.

You May Read

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1.Which are the membership classes in ATMAE?

    ATMAE has membership classes including student membership, academic professional membership, industry professional membership, retiree membership, and honorary membership.

  • 2.What are the charges for each type of ATMAE membership?

    Student memberships are allocated with an annual fee of $25. Academic professional and industry professionals need to pay an annual fee of $100. When retiree memberships are granted at $25, honorary memberships come free of charge.

  • 3.Which are the various certification examinations of the ATMAE?

    ATMAE's certification examinations are as given below - Certified in Engineering Graphics (CEG), Certified Manufacturing Specialist (CMS), Certified Technology Manager (CTM), and Certified Technical Professional (CTP).

  • 4.What is the time of the year during which the ATMAE accreditation visits happen?

    ATMAE accreditation visits usually happens between March 1st and May 1st for every year.

  • 5.Is fee charged for reaccreditation?

    Though the accreditation fee exists, no fee is charged for reaccreditation.

  • 6.When and where is the ATMAE Accreditation Conference 2019?

    ATMAE Accreditation Conference 2019 is from November 6-8 in Charlotte, NC.