AABI- Aviation Accreditation Board International

Aviation Accreditation Board International is an accreditation board for colleges with aviation or aeronautics education. Read about AABI, its benefits and more.

TCM Staff

22nd October 2020

Want to be a part of the Aviation Industry and don’t know which college is correct to kickstart your career? Well, in the case of aviation programs AABI accredited colleges are best for you to start your career towards flying. 

Want to know more about AABI, information is just a stroll away. 

What is the Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI)?

The Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI) was developed in 1988 through the combined efforts of 100 colleges and universities offering aviation programs that saw the need to establish standards among the institutions offering aviation programs. 

It is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and has maintained its high status since its accreditation in CHEA. 

Their aim is to develop the 'Next Generation Aviation Professionals'.

What is AABI?source - pexels.com

Mission Statement of AABI

The Aviation Accreditation Board International advances quality aviation education worldwide by offering accreditation and leadership. 

Goals of AABI 

The goals of AABI are to - 

  • Stimulate collegiate aviation program excellence and self-improvement.  

  • Establish uniform minimum educational quality standards.

  • Increase the credibility, integrity, and acceptance of collegiate aviation programs within colleges of higher education. 

Purpose of AABI 

It has three fundamental purposes - 

  •  To ensure the quality of the college or program. 

  •  To assist in the improvement of the college or program;  

  •  To maintain the relevance of education with the sector it serves. 

Requirements for colleges and universities for AABI accreditation 

The eligibility requirements for the purpose of accreditation include the following:- 

  • The college or university must be a proper member of AABI. 

  • The foundation presents  

    • an application (Form 202),  

    • application charge,  

    • one duplicate catalog of the school, 

    • one copy of the avionics educational programs, and  

    • one copy of the course descriptions for all aeronautics courses. All proofs are to be submitted electronically (flash drive or CD-ROM). Email entries are not permitted. 

  • The president audits application reports and submits all the duplicates to the Accreditation Committee chair, colleague chair, and Accreditation Committee Reviewers (ACRs) for the survey. 

  • The Accreditation Committee Chair decides the establishment's status. 

  • The Chair of the Accreditation Committee tells the President about their decision. 

  • The President informs the organization, by letter, instructing with respect to status.  

  • The foundation finishes a Self-Study Report (SSR). There are some extra expenses for SSR accommodation augmentation demands. 

  • The Accreditation Committee Chair prompts the President if the SSR is completed.


Curriculum requirements for AABI accreditation 

The curriculum is composed of these elements - 

  • General Education

  • Complements technical content of the curriculum

  • Is consistent with institutional and program objectives 

  • Aviation Core  

  • Aviation Option (program-specific) 

Benefits of AABI accreditation 

The accreditation commission offers a lot of benefits to aviation and related programs. It helps to keep a check on the program standards. The benefits are given below.

1. Industry Benefits  

  • Assured quality of aviation program graduates

  • Preferential access for hiring and interns

  • Access to research resources and networks   

2. Student & Parent Benefits 

  • Assured quality of education  

  • Potential for internship and employment preference 

  • Probable access to superior education equipment  

3. Academic Benefits 

  • Credibility with all stakeholders  

  • Program prestige attracts talent


Decision-making bodies of AABI Accreditation

These are the committees that form the decision-making body of AABI. 

Decision makingSource-ignationspirtiuality.com 

Ad Hoc Committees include AT-CTI Committee, CHEA Committee, Collaborative Research Committee, Diversity Committee, Professionalism &, Ethics Committee, Publications Committee, and Technology-Based Education Committee.

Standing Management Committees includes the following.

Standing Management Committees of ABHI  
Awards Committee  Bylaws and Policies & Procedures  
Industry Forum Committee   International Committee  
Membership Committee   Nominating Committee 
Safety Committee  Strategic Planning & Corporate Communications Committee 

Executive Committee - The members of the executive committee are Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary-Treasurer, Immediate Past Chairperson, President, President Emeritus, Emeritus, and Assistant Officer. 

Standing Operating Committees - This includes the Accreditation Committee, the Criteria Committee, and Guidance Committee.  

AABI accredited Colleges and Universities 

Wondering which of the colleges/university fall under the AABI accreditation? Well, the list is quite big. So, some of the institutions that are accredited by AABI are given here. 


AABI is an accrediting body that extends accreditation to colleges and universities that provide Aviation and Aeronautical programs to students. Its main goal is to provide high-quality education to aviation professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1.What are the goals of AABI?

    The goals of AABI are To stimulate collegiate aviation program excellence and self-improvement; Establish uniform minimum educational quality Criteria; And increase the credibility, integrity, and acceptance of collegiate aviation programs within institutions of higher education 

  • 2.What is AABI?

    The Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI) is a specialized accrediting agency which accredits colleges with aviation-related programs.

  • 3.What is the vision of AABI?

    Their vision is to develop Next Generation Aviation Professionals. 

  • 4.What aviation programs eligible for AABI accreditation?

    Programs must be degree-granting, at a nationally or regionally recognized institution, or the international equivalent, at the associate, baccalaureate, masters or doctoral-degree levels. 

  • 5.What are the advantages of AABI?

    Advantages of AABI are- Increases the attractiveness of the program to prospective students and their parents by ensuring that the program meets accepted standards of quality. Ensures employers that graduates possess a broad background in the aviation industry as well as the skills needed for aviation specializations. Assures institutions that their aviation programs will periodically perform a comprehensive self-analysis to achieve their objectives. Keeps aviation educators in contact with other faculty, industry advisors, and practicing aviation professionals.