The 18 Most Common Scholarship Interview Questions (With Answers!)

Any interview can be nerve-wracking. To help you prep, we put together this list of the 18 most common scholarship interview questions, plus answers!

TCM Staff

21st August 2022

College Scholarships can be tricky to earn, especially when you have to sit for interviews. Here are 18 common scholarship interview questions with answers to help you prep!

College scholarships are vital in supporting many students’ educations. Without them, some students would find earning an education completely impossible. Fortunately, earning a scholarship is a golden opportunity for everyone, no matter their age or their social and economic background. 

What’s not so fortunate is the fact that earning a scholarship isn’t always a straightforward process — besides applying for it, you’ll also often have to sit for an interview. Interviews help the scholarship providers figure out who are the most deserving students of the lot, which is important considering the mountains of applications these organizations receive. 

If you’re nervous about sitting for interviews, our list of common scholarship interview questions might help. Each question also has a sample response to guide you. Let’s get started!

How to Prepare for Your Scholarship Interviews

There are quite a few things you can do to prepare for your interview. For one, you can practice answering scholarship questions like the ones below — doing this will most likely help the most. However, there are a bunch of other things you can do beyond a mock scholarship interview question and answer session. You may want to try the ideas below:

  • Do your research into the scholarship funding organization to find out what their VMG (vision, mission, and goals) are. Knowing this can help you align your answers better with the organization’s values.
  • Read up on the news. During your interview, you may be asked about your opinion on some current affairs, so it’s best to be prepared!
  • Study your scholarship application and make sure you know it by heart. That way, if the panel asks you about anything on your application, you can answer well.
  • Prepare your outfit well ahead of time. Make sure you look smart but not overly formal, and ensure you are dressed appropriately from head to toe.

And, of course, another thing you can do is practice your responses. Get comfortable with saying your answers so you’ll feel less stressed during the interview proper. You may even want to record yourself or ask a friend or family member to observe you so that you can make adjustments on your delivery where necessary.

18 Common Scholarship Interview Questions (with Answers)

An interview for a college scholarship concentrates on the broader perspectives of life and is more personal than technical. The jury or the interview panel mostly looks for a peek into the student’s life, so it would be a good idea to demonstrate the intricate, innate qualities that make you a good candidate.

A proven tip is to answer as simply as possible, as the panel prefers simplicity over complexity any day. Be succinct but attempt to pique their interest and offer a comfortable and interactive session.

Scholarship interviews can be anxiety-inducing, but luckily you can prepare in advance! Below, you’ll see college scholarship interview questions split into handy sections to help you prepare step by step. 

Getting to Know You

1. Briefly introduce yourself.

More often than not, this will be the first question of your interview. In this question, the panel is looking for a glimpse into your life and wants to get to know you a bit better. The question is pretty open-ended, so it can be easy to get lost in a long response. However, it’s important to concentrate on your attributes, experiences, or features that stand out and are pertinent to your interview. Your pitch needs to be clean and clear.

It might be a good idea to practice answering this question a few times as this is one of the most common interview questions for scholarships.

Sample Answer

My name is Tanya, and I’m a resident of Long Island, New York. I’m a proud student of Great Neck South High School, currently cruising through my senior year. As the lead vocalist of my school band, I have had the opportunity to participate in national-level competitions and have won 10 out of 12 times. I am fluent in 4 languages, namely, Spanish, French, Mandarin, and English. My dream is to be a top-notch Civil Engineer. I wish to contribute to the development of civil architecture and design throughout the globe.

2. Tells us about your greatest strength and weakness.

When a panel asks you about your strengths and weaknesses, they are generally checking to see if you have self-awareness and if you are capable of reflection. By all means, humbly talk about your greatest strengths and, if it’s possible, relate them to the scholarship. And when talking about your weaknesses, you can try spinning them positively by telling the panel about the steps you have been taking to address these issues.

Sample Answer

I believe I am an active listener. I can listen patiently, comprehend the situation at hand, and be compassionate about it when required. This is an ability I have worked on developing since my childhood. I believe that being elected Student Body President during my senior year has helped me further improve upon this trait.

My weakness is my single-mindedness, which can also sometimes be a strength. Once I’ve set my eyes on my goal, I tunnel-vision until I achieve it. I’m unable to multi-task, and if I do, I’m not up to my best. I have been working on this weakness by learning to prioritize my tasks and manage my time and energy better.

3. Why should we select you for this scholarship?

For this question, you need to be aware of what the institution is looking for when selecting scholarship awardees. You can achieve this by either going through their selection procedure, rummaging through their website, reading old testimonies, contacting the admission office, or connecting with a current scholarship awardee or alumni. With this knowledge, you can draw parallels to yourself and your skills. It’s also highly recommended to include your potential contributions to the institution. 

Sample Answer

I believe I fit your requirements for the Berklee Scholarship. I live and breathe music. I have had the opportunity to compete in the Hal Leonard Vocal Competition, and have been the reigning champion in the High-School category for the past 2 years. Being awarded this scholarship would help me earn an education from a highly respected institution and help me further improve my musical skills. I would love to be able to represent your organization and my university proudly as I pursue a career in musical theater.

4. Do you have a role model?

When answering this question, try to be very specific and honest about your role model. Your role model can be anyone — a public figure, a family member, a friend, or even your pre-school teacher. Do your best to explain why they are your role model as your choice of influence can speak volumes on your perspective and your values.

Sample Answer

I look up to my mother. Her compassion, diligence, and determination make me want to be a better person. She’s a passionate economist who married my father right after high school and had my sister soon after. However, her early marriage didn’t deter her from getting back on track. She enrolled in a local institution and graduated with straight As. She then pursued her master’s, followed by a Ph.D. All this while she had to run a family and perform the duties of a wife and a mother. I am inspired and extremely motivated by her sheer determination. 

5. What is one mistake you have learned from?

When the panel asks this question, it’s to gauge your level of self-awareness. They want to see whether you know what sort of mistakes you’ve made and if those lessons have left a mark and taught you a valuable lesson. It can be a stressful question, as it can invoke strong emotions in candidates and can also elicit powerful answers.

Sample Answer

Back in junior year, I let procrastination wrap its tentacles around me. I was lazy, procrastinated half of the time, and pushed my assignments to “tomorrow”. This landed me in hot water. I was lagging with my assignments, and as the deadlines approached, I was buried in piles of homework. In the end, I only managed to submit a quarter of my total assignments, and needless to say, my grades suffered. That was the time I took an oath to avoid procrastinating. It was a setback that I have deeply learned from. Today, I do my best to be diligent and punctual.

6. How do you deal with stress?

By asking this question, the panel wants to know how you handle challenging situations. You can always just say you take things as they come and focus on the present, but that’s a common answer that might not show the panel who you really are. It may be better to tell the panel about a specific habit or skill you developed that can help you deal with sticky situations.

Sample Answer

One of the things I pride myself in is how organized I strive to be. When I start to feel overwhelmed by tasks, I take the time to break them down into manageable and actionable steps. And when I start feeling like I’m caught in an impossible situation, I take a step back and go for a walk. When I come back, I usually feel refreshed and can find a new way of looking at things. Often, this is enough for me to formulate a plan.

Your Academic and Career Goals

7. What are your career goals?

When you interview for a scholarship, chances are you’ll be asked about your plans for the future. It’s a good idea to provide a detailed summary of what you wish to achieve and what you intend to do to achieve your goals. It’s usually a good idea to include how the scholarship might help you along the way.

Sample Answer

I would love to open a world-class music institution for talented yet economically-disadvantaged students. Over the years, I have witnessed how extraordinary musicians are deprived of the opportunity to enhance their skills due to their inability to pay for music school. And so, as I establish my career as a composer,  I want to help other musicians along the way.

8. Where do you envision yourself in the next 5/10/20 years?

It’s impossible to paint an accurate picture of the future, so a vague projection is an acceptable answer. However, you might want to incorporate career objectives, personal plans, and goals in your response. This can demonstrate your perspective and your ambitious nature.  

Sample Answer

In the coming 5/10/20 years, it is my dream to perform on Broadway. I also envision opening a music school to help aspiring musicians in need of financial assistance. 

9. Which is your favorite subject in school?

When answering this question, tell the panel why you like the particular subject. The panel wants to evaluate your passion and learning methodologies. Avoid focusing on your grades in your responses — after all, you can love a subject but struggle to get perfect grades. Be honest and sincere in your response. 

Sample Answer

Math is my favorite subject. My love for math started way back in fourth grade when I found out I could do fast calculations. I started challenging myself to work out solutions to math problems as quickly as possible.

Why They Should Choose You

10. What made you choose this institution?

Think of everything you admire about the said institution. Your admiration may be for different reasons, so it might be a good idea to mention all of them, if time permits. Show your passion for the school and its values and demonstrate your desire to be a part of the institution.

Sample Answer

The moment I stepped foot in my high school, I knew that I would one day want to study music at the prestigious Berklee College of Music. Ever since I heard of the Berklee Theater Arts Collaborative, I’ve wanted to be a part of it and learn from the passionate and dedicated faculty. I want to seek mentorship and advice on finding success on broadway and in musical theater.

11. Tell us about your proudest achievement. 

Although most would advise you not to toot your own horn, it’s best to be honest when answering this question. Tell the panel about the achievement you are most proud of, but avoid sounding like a braggart. Show the panel why you are proud of this achievement and tell them of the hard work it took to get there.

Sample Answer

My proudest achievement is the time I was crowned the reigning champion of the Hal Leonard Vocal Competition for the second year in a row. Winning the Hal Leonard Vocal Competition for the first time felt like a dream come true. It lit a fire under me and made me push hard to try and win the second year in a row. I practiced and practiced and practiced, investing time and energy into the process. In the end, winning for the second time showed me how hard work truly pays off.

12. Brief us on the activities that you were involved in at school.

When you applied for college, chances are you were encouraged to share your “spike,” or what made you stand out from the crowd. This question gives you another opportunity to demonstrate what else you are capable of besides your academic performance. It also allows you to show the panel how well you can balance your responsibilities. It might help to relate your response to the ideals of the scholarship, as well.

Sample Answer

In my former school, I was the president of the music society. I was an active member since middle school and I joined nearly 55 competitions throughout my tenure. When I wasn’t practicing on my vocals, I spent my time in the debate club. I also volunteered in my former school’s eco-club, where we helped spread the message of environmental awareness. 

13. What are your views on leadership? Can you tell us about a time you had to assume the role of a leader?

Educational institutions naturally seek students with leadership skills. Tell the panel about how you perceive leadership and about any leadership experiences you may have had. These experiences don’t necessarily need to be from a school activity. It might have been as simple as assuming the responsibility for your siblings in the absence of your parents.

Sample Answer

I believe a leader is a nurturer who encourages the best attributes of each individual in his team. As an advocate of equality in diversity, a leader creates an environment suitable for progress and growth. They are the epitome of dedication, optimism, and patience. These are views that I came to realize in my time as the student body president. It took a lot of introspection to figure out that I needed to become a better listener while also working on my empathy, integrity, and communication.

14. Can you tell us about an experience or class that has made an impact on you?

When answering this question, talk about an incident that’s made its mark on you. You can highlight the lessons learned from this experience or describe how this incident was a game-changer for you. It can be any experience, as long as the theme of your response is concentrated on your growth or any newly cultivated virtue. 

Sample Answer

In my junior year, Bill Gates visited my school. I was witness to one of the most inspirational and motivational speeches I’ve ever heard. It is incredible to know how he sacrificed a Harvard education in pursuit of his dream to create Microsoft. I was deeply moved by his philanthropic efforts. This was a turning point in my life.

15. Brief us about a time you overcame adversity.

This question aims to evaluate your response to adversity and your ability to recover from setbacks. Focus your answer on how you handled the situation, and bounced back from it. You can talk about if and how you leveraged the experience as a stepping stone, and how you grew as a person because of it. You may want to avoid talking about your grades, as most interviewers are looking for answers outside of your academic experience and career.

Sample Answer

In my sophomore year, I dealt with a lot of racial discrimination. My friends and I were judged on our color and roots. Each day, it was a new form of bullying, and sadly, it expanded like wildfire. For a while, I simply kept quiet and allowed them to continue their bullying because I worried that by standing up for myself, I would make things worse. Rather than resorting to confrontation or violence, I allowed this experience to ignite my passion for music even further. I focused on my academics and worked toward a 4.0 GPA and strived to win the Hal Leonard Vocal Competition for the second year in a row. My success was the perfect retaliation against bullying and discrimination. It left a clear message to everyone concerned that despite being a part of a  minority demographic, I was able to achieve what I could.

16. How will you utilize the scholarship money?

This is one of the most important questions you’ll be asked during your interview, and your response should outline your goals. Tell the panel how you intend to use the award and let them know how the money can help you reach your goals.

Sample Answer

My passion in music is the driving force behind my wish to pursue a career on broadway. Unfortunately, my family and I simply don’t have the means to make my dream of studying at Berklee come true. This scholarship would mean the world to me and help me work toward achieving my dreams in musical theater. With financial aid, I can pay for my tuition, accommodation, and books.

17. Do you want to add anything else?

This question is more important than it seems, as it allows you to mention anything else that you were unable to bring up during the interview. This is also a good opportunity to thank the panel for their time.

Sample Answer

I would like to mention that my passion for sharing music with everyone has led me to volunteer with the Save the Music Foundation. I’ve also worked to raise money to donate to this charitable organization. Getting this scholarship would mean the world to me as I would be able to give back and help others who find themselves in the situation I’m in now.

I’d also like to thank you for your time. It was an absolute honor to be a part of this interview.

What You Would Like to Know

18. Do you have any questions for us?

Colleges and universities love inquisitive candidates. It showcases their will to know more and learn more. Thus, it’s a good idea to come up with a few questions to ask a scholarship interviewer just in case. However, only ask the most relevant questions depending on how the interview has gone.

You can ask a few questions, including but not limited to:

  • What are the rules for maintaining the scholarship for my entire academic career?  
  • In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges I might face during my studies?
  • If I am selected for this scholarship, how do you suggest I prepare for my tenure in your institution?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I prepare for a scholarship interview?

The best way to prepare for your scholarship interview is to practice answering the most common questions beforehand. You can even record yourself so you can play it back and make adjustments where needed. It’s also a good idea to stay updated on current news and to read up about the scholarship funding organization so you can align your answers with their values.

What questions should you ask at the end of a scholarship interview?

You can ask questions such as:

  • What are my next steps in this process, if any?
  • How well do you think I fit the requirements for this scholarship?
  • Is the scholarship a one-time endowment, or is it renewable annually?
  • In the event I am chosen for this scholarship, how should I expect to be informed?

How do you introduce yourself in an interview?

When introducing yourself to the panel, make sure you keep it short but sweet. Get straight to the point as you describe your educational background, what makes you stand out, and your goals. Try to relate your response to the scholarship, but avoid seeming overconfident.


Educational institutions frequently change the pattern, style, and content of their interviews, so it’s a good idea to prepare to answer a variety of questions asked in scholarship interviews. The sample answers given here are only samples, and we recommend you only refer to them and formulate answers from your personal experiences. 

Remember that the panel looks for confidence in your responses and your body language. If you’re nervous, consider practicing answering scholarship interview questions with family and friends.

We hope that this guide has helped you figure out how to answer scholarship questions. Good luck!

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