Easiest AP Classes

Looking for the easiest AP classes? Dive to learn about the easiest AP classes, course difficulty level, and more

TCM Staff

19th October 2020

Easiest AP classes? Well, this answer is honestly subjective, it varies from person to person. According to a study, subjects like Psychology, Statistics, Human Geography, and more establish the list of the easiest AP classes. 

Since 1995, the Advanced Placement (AP) Program has been delivering excellence in education to students. The easy AP classes students pursue in college-level studies give the opportunity to earn college credit, advanced placement, or both. The students who are taking AP classes show college admission officers that they have sought the most challenging courses available to them.

According to various researches, it shows that students who score a 3 or higher on AP exams are more likely to graduate college on time and have the opportunity to save ample time and money through the myriad credit schemes, and policies. It also shows that students who score less than a 3 on an AP Exam are also likely to graduate college on time.

Top 11 Easiest AP Classes

You will come across a vast list of AP classes. All of them are different and suitable for high school students. 

There are AP classes that are relatively less time-consuming, easy to learn, and score. An AP course may be easy to score, however, it may still be tasking to study. There is plenty to work on, and it needs your sheer determination to study and ace these classes. You will also have to juggle yourself studying with your high school courses. There are several factors into consideration before choosing your AP class.

You can categorize the AP classes based on their difficulty level, score, the time required for reading, and more. Here are the top 10 easiest AP classes according to a recent study - 

AP Subject Difficulty level (1-10)  Score 3+ ( in %)
Computer Science Principles 2.6 71.9
Psychology 3.2 64.5
Human Geography 3.8 49.1
Environmental Science 4.2 49.2
US Government and Politics 4.3 51.1
Computer Science A 4.4 69.6
Macroeconomics 4.6 58.9
Statistics 4.6 59.7
Microeconomics 4.7 69.6
Seminar 4.8 81.1
Spanish Language 5.0 72.3
English Language 5.3 54.3

Source - reddit.com, CollegeBoard

Why Should You Take AP Classes?

AP Classes come with a lot of benefits. AP courses are rigorous and may make high school students more competitive in the college application process. Qualifying an AP exam (with the scores 3,4, or 5) leads to earning of college credit. It also boosts the weighted GPA of a student. For instance, securing a “B” grade in AP Psychology may augment your weighted GPA from 3.0 to 3.3 on your high-school transcript. Moreover, when considering applications for college admissions, the jury typically focuses on GPA and course difficulty. Enrolling in AP classes and listing them on transcripts will portray the student's optimal credibility, perseverance through advanced courses, ultimately resulting in glorious scholarships and admittance into top-notch schools. They help you in numerous ways such as given below - 

  • Advanced Placement courses prepare you better for college

  • AP classes allow you to earn college credit

  • They allow you to skip prerequisite classes in college

  • AP courses lead to greater academic success in college

  • They help you in getting a graduate degree on time or even you can graduate early

  • They are instrumental in saving your time, and money


Whatever you find easy or tough has to do a lot with what you are interested in. Some people say AP Calculus is easiest. Why? Because they are naturally math-lovers. Some find AP Psychology is easier than AP Human. Why? Because they hate Geography with a passion and love Psychology like an eccentric.

The Advanced Placement program (AP) bestows an assortment of opportunities to incur the first-hand experience in college-level classes. In other words, AP classes are college-level classes. The key is to opt for the AP classes that pique your interest and can handle the course load for. If your school offers only a limited number of AP classes, you can always register for an honor course. You also have the option of learning the course at home (technology is at pinnacles). 

Wishing you every success in your AP exam!

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