Historically Black Colleges and Universities

HBCUs are institutions of higher education in the U.S. which was founded before 1964 for African American students. Learn more about HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) in this article. in the

TCM Staff

27th August 2020

(Historically Black Colleges and Universities) play a crucial role in ensuring that students of all races including African Americans receive a fair and quality education. Many students feel confident in recommending an HBCU school to students who are desperately dreaming of attending a college that prepares everyone for success

So what is the HBCU, and why is it important? Keep reading this article to know more.

What is HBCU?

HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) are institutions that were established before 1964 with the main purpose of serving the African American community.

These institutions are nationally recognized and are accredited by the nationally recognized accrediting association.

HBCUs offer quality education and helps the students hone their skills, knowledge, and talents irrespective of race. There are more than 100 colleges in the U.S which are recognized by the US Department of Education as HBCUs

Keep reading this article to know the list of colleges that are recognized as HBCUs.

Read More About: HBCU Scholarships


Though the term HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) was formed in the year 1965 by the Higher Education Act of federal funding for colleges and universities, many colleges in that list of HBCUs can be tracked back to 18th and 19th century.

The HBCUs were primarily founded in Pennsylvania and Ohio which was even before the American Civil War of 1861-65 with the intention of supporting the black youths. They were facing a lot of restrictions such as from attending the colleges even for basic education because of racial discrimination

With the effort and support of black churches along with the American Missionary Association and the Freedmen’s bureau the first colleges were established for African Americans, later many Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) came into existence due to the reason that black students were not given the admission in any universities.

Nearly 90 institutions with higher learning were established between 1861 and 1900. 

You might have a question “why is HBCUs important” the answer is we need the HBCUs now more than ever before, though the racial discrimination has dropped significantly, the sad truth is that it has not dropped completely. So as times have changed, the purpose these institutions have broadened as well.

These institutions provide a culture that prepares students to contribute to their communities and a culture that builds confidence and helps them hone the essential skills and talents that they need to excel in their careers.


The following is the list of HBCU schools by State out of which three colleges are currently closed.


Alabama A&M University- Huntsville

Alabama State University- Montgomery

Concordia University-Alabama- Selma (closed 2018)

Baptist Bible College- Birmingham*

Gadsden State College- Gadsden 

J.F. Drake State Technical College- Huntsville

Lawson State Community College- Birmingham

Miles College- Fairfield

Miles School of Law- Fairfield *

Oakwood University- Huntsville

Selma University- Selma

Shelton State Community College- Tuscaloosa

Stillman College- Tuscaloosa

Talladega College- Talladega

Tuskegee University- Tuskegee

Councill Trenholm State Community College- Montgomery


The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff- Pine Bluff

Arkansas Baptist College- Little Rock

Philander Smith College- Little Rock

Shorter College- North Little Rock


Charles Drew University of Medicine & Science*- Los Angeles


Delaware State University- Dover

District of Columbia

University of the District of Columbia

Howard University


Bethune Cookman University- Daytona Beach

Edward Waters College- Jacksonville

Florida A&M University- Tallahassee

Florida Memorial University- Miami Gardens


Albany State University- Albany

Carver Bible College*- Atlanta

Clark Atlanta University- Atlanta

Fort Valley State University- Fort Valley

Interdenominational Theological Center- Atlanta

Johnson C Smith Theological Seminary*- Atlanta

Morehouse College- Atlanta

Morehouse School of Medicine- Atlanta

Morris College**- Atlanta

Paine College- Augusta

Savannah State University- Savannah

Spelman College- Atlanta


Kentucky State University- Frankfort

Simmons College of Kentucky- Louisville


Dillard University-New Orleans

Grambling State University- Grambling

Southern University and A&M College-Baton Rouge

Southern University New Orleans- New Orleans

Southern University-Shreveport- Shreveport

Xavier University- New Orleans


Bowie State University- Bowie

Coppin State University- Baltimore

University of Maryland- Eastern Shore- Princess Anne

Morgan State University- Baltimore


Lewis College of Business- Detroit (Closed 2013)


Alcorn State University- Lorman

Coahoma Community College- Clarksdale

Hinds Community College- Utica

Jackson State University- Jackson

Mississippi Valley State University- Itta Bena

Rust College- Holly Springs

Tougaloo College- Tougaloo


Harris-Stowe State University- St. Louis

Lincoln University- Jefferson City

North Carolina

Barber-Scotia College**- Concord

Bennett College- Greensboro

Elizabeth City State University- Elizabeth City

Fayetteville State University- Fayetteville

Hood Theological Seminary*- Salisbury

Johnson C. Smith University- Charlotte

Livingston College- Salisbury

North Carolina Central University- Durham

North Carolina A&T State University- Greensboro

Shaw University- Raleigh

St. Augustine's University- Raleigh

Winston-Salem State University- Winston Salem


Central State University- Wilberforce

Payne Theological Seminary*- Wilberforce

Wilberforce University- Wilberforce


Langston University- Langston


Cheyney University- Cheyney

The Lincoln University- Lincoln University

South Carolina

Allen University- Columbia

Benedict College- Columbia

Claflin University- Orangeburg

Clinton College- Rock Hill

Denmark Technical College- Denmark

Morris College- Sumter

South Carolina State University- Orangeburg

Voorhees College- Denmark


American Baptist University- Nashville

Fisk University- Nashville

Knoxville College**- Knoxville

Lane College- Jackson

LeMoyne Owen College- Memphis

Meharry Medical College

Tennessee State University- Nashville


Huston-Tillotson University- Austin

Jarvis Christian College- Hawkins

Paul Quinn College- Dallas

Prairie View A&M University- Prairie View

Southwestern Christian College- Terrell

St. Philips College- San Antonio

Texas College- Tyler

Texas Southern University- Houston

Wiley College- Marshall

US Virgin Islands

The University of the Virgin Islands- St. Thomas &  St. Croix


Hampton University- Hampton

Norfolk State University- Norfolk

Saint Paul's College- Lawrenceville (closed 2013)

Virginia State University- Petersburg

Virginia Union University- Richmond

Virginia University of Lynchburg- Lynchburg

West Virginia

Bluefield State College- Bluefield

West Virginia State University-Institute