Is An Associate Degree Worth It?

It is a degree that leads you towards a professional career in a course of two years. But “Is this degree worth your time and money?” is the question. Here is an article that will give you a brief answer to you about the worth of an associate degree.

TCM Staff

9th March 2020

If you are thinking that a traditional four-year college is the only way for potential earning, then you might want to know about the associate degree. It is a degree that leads you towards a professional career in a course of two years. But “Is this degree worth your time and money?” is the question. Here is an article that will give you a brief answer to all your questions about an associate degree.

Is an Associate's degree really worth it?

You might be thinking if it is worth your time and money to pursue an associate degree. So it is better to do an analysis of how it is useful to you. Few important points are discussed below.

Job opportunity

For students who are planning to work after high school, this is an important point for you to give a second thought about, as there are better career opportunities for associate degree graduates compared to high school graduates. According to research, there were 4.3 million job opportunities for bachelor's degree graduates and 6.3 million opportunities for associate’s degree graduates in the past year. The ratios clearly represent that the associate degree holders have a better career opportunity. 

Potential earning 

There are chances of students with a bachelor’s degree working for lesser paid salary but a student with an associate degree can seek a higher paying job. You can earn up to $125 per week and this is higher compared to a normal degree holder's income.

You wouldn't be surprised if we told you 1.6 million potential jobs are available for an associate degree graduate. This is because it is considered that an associate degree holder can add more value to the job and the company.

Duration of Associate Degree

An associate degree can make a huge impact on your life and it can be earned with 2 years of education. This saves a lot of time and money than a bachelor's degree. You can get the advantage of working at your current job while you earn the degree and you can apply for the course required. The online associate degree program can help you complete your studies sooner even with your busy schedule.

Career discovery 

You might be in a confusion about what you want to do in life, your interests and your career plan. This degree gives you a wide range of topics that attracts you and gain attention so you could choose a topic to study while you are held off from the career you are currently working for. It gives you a brief knowledge about the subjects and helps you learn the topics you want to specialize in. 

Wide variety of options 

The availability of options makes you feel confident and it also helps you to seek knowledge about the topic you are interested in. With an associate degree, you do not have to do one job for years where there is no job satisfaction, the topics you choose in this degree can lead you to the job you would want to pursue next. You choose an associate degree in:

  • Nursing

  • Business management

  • Information technology etc.


Is an associate degree worth it? Yes, it is the best chance for you to take the opportunity and earn according to your potential without investing more money and time on this degree. It gives you a balance between the money you inculcate in studies and the knowledge you gain to have a job with a satisfactory salary for the education you have had. It is wise to choose the right career for you and plan accordingly.