National Recreation and Park Association, Council on Accreditation of Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Related Professions (COAPRT)

The Council on Accreditation on Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Related Professions is the association for accreditation of programs on parks, recreation, tourism and related professions which requires some criteria to be followed. To know more, read more.

TCM Staff

26th February 2020

National Recreation and Park Association, Council on Accreditation of Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Related Professions (COAPRT)

The Council on Accreditation of Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Related Professions (COAPRT) is the certifying body for the programs in professions of parks, recreation, tourism and related professions. COAPRT accreditation is the recognition granted to an institution and its program for fulfilling the criteria set by this organization. This organization gives accreditation to baccalaureate degree programs.

COAPRT is the organization that is approved by the Council for Higher Education Association (CHEA). This organization is committed to improving the facilities with conditions of the parks, recreation, conservation, etc. It believes in the development of parks, recreation, tourism etc.

 Guiding Values of the organization

The organization wants to propel parks, recreation and natural preservation endeavors that improve the personal satisfaction for all individuals.

Their goal is to provide everybody with simple access to the park and recreational facilities which would have sustainable opportunities. They utilize their part in conservation, health and wellness, and social value in enhancing their groups of parks, recreation, and conservation experts.

 Eligibility Requirements for colleges for accreditation

The eligibility needs to be required by the colleges to get accredited include:

  • The scholarly unit and educational modules about parks, recreation, tourism, or a related calling has been in the task for no less than three years and is unmistakably identifiable to the general population.

  • The foundation is right now authorized by the proper territorial certifying affiliation perceived by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or by the present national authorizing body.

  • At least two full-time employees and at least one extra full-time equivalent faculty position, which might contain different people, should be relegated to and trained in the Program.

  • At least two full-time employees might hold a level of bosses or higher, and a bachelor's degree or above in parks, recreation, and tourism.

  • Each Program looking for accreditation might utilize no less than one individual as a faculty who has finished formal COAPRT training in no less than five years.

 Accredited Colleges and Universities

The colleges and universities accredited under COAPRT include:

  • Arkansas Tech University

  • San Jose State University

  • Georgia Southern University

  • University of Northern Iowa

  • University of Idaho

  • Kansas State University

Decision Making Bodies of the organization

The Council on Accreditation of Parks, Recreation, Tourism, and Related Professions (COAPRT) shall consist of ten members elected for three-year terms on a staggered basis. The composition of the Council shall be five educators; three practitioners; one college/university administrator holding an academic appointment of administrative rank; and one public representative who represents the general public. 

The Council Executive Committee, comprised of the Chair, Vice Chair, and Past Chair, advises the Council Chair on issues that occur between official meetings of the Council and conducts meetings on behalf of the Council.


COAPRT is the organization that accredits institutions and programs on parks, recreation, tourism, and related professional areas. They strive to maintain the balance in parks, recreation and nature conservation to benefit the people and the environment.