Women In STEM Scholarships 2022

Interested in studying a technology program as a woman? Check out these women in STEM scholarships for 2022!

TCM Staff

17th March 2022

The STEM fields – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics – have been traditionally dominated by men, as seen by the mere 7% of women in STEM careers in 1970. However, that representation jumped to 27% in 2019, showing the world that STEM has a large place for women. However, organizations must do their part to ensure equal opportunity for women in STEM roles, including executive positions. So, how do scholarships for women in STEM 2022 support equal opportunity?

Men still take up significantly more space in STEM career fields. Women in STEM scholarships help improve female representation in STEM degree programs and careers. These scholarships include women in computer science scholarships, along with other STEM scholarships 2022.

If you’re interested in studying a STEM major, keep reading. Today we’ll go through 2022’s available women in STEM scholarships and how much you can receive for each one. 

What is a STEM Scholarship?

A STEM scholarship is a grant awarded to eligible students interested in pursuing study in a STEM field, including science, technology, engineering, and math, as well as related fields like information technology and computer science. 

There are hundreds of STEM scholarships available to American students, as well as a select few dedicated grants for women in STEM. 

STEM Scholarship for Women


General Women in STEM Scholarships

Intel Corporation Scholarships

Amount: $5,000 - $10,000 for in-state students; $10,000 - $22,000 for out-of-state students

Deadline: May 31, 2022

Field: All STEM fields

How to Apply: Apply on their website

Technology tycoon Intel Corporation is well known for providing generous STEM scholarships every year. Awards range from $5,000 to $10,000 for minority groups and women pursuing STEM educations, either bachelor’s or master’s degree programs. Successful applicants not only receive tuition funding, but they also receive mentorship opportunities and preference for job openings at Intel! 

BHW Group Scholarship

Amount: $3,000

Deadline: April 15, 2022

Field: All STEM fields

How to Apply: Fill out an information form and complete an essay on their application page

Based in Austin, Texas, the BHW Group is a leading web and app development company with dedicated coding experts and developers to support businesses’ technology goals. The company’s services include mobile app development, UX/UI, business process automation, and more. 

BHW offers a $3,000 scholarship to women pursuing undergraduate or graduate education in science, engineering, mathematics, or technology. Eligibility is open to students worldwide, but only if you plan to attend a US college or university. 

Snapology STEAM Studies Scholarship

Amount: $2,500

Deadline: April 30, 2022

Field: STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics 

How to Apply: Fill out an information form and complete an essay on their webpage

Snapology is a children’s STEAM education company that offers STEAM and robotics workshops to students after school, ranging in age groups from elementary to high school. Snapology’s services are inclusive to all students, including those on the autism spectrum or with special needs. 

Female high school seniors interested in studying STEM (as well as art, STEAM) programs can apply to the company’s $2,500-scholarship by expressing interest in their essay assignment.

RevPart STEM Scholarship

Amount: $1,000; $500

Deadline: December 31, 2022

Field: STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics 

How to Apply: Fill out an information form and complete an essay on their webpage

RevPart is an American company that offers various innovative services like 3-D printing, short-run molding, and CNC machining. The company offers one $1,000 scholarship and three $500 scholarships to women intending to study STEM programs at a US college. 

SMART Scholarship

Amount: $25,000 to $38,000 (full cost of tuition); internships, insurance ($1,200 per year(; miscellaneous ($1,000 per year) 

Deadline: Applications Open August 2022

Field: STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics 

How to Apply: Apply on the company webpage

Funded by the US Department of Defense, SMART scholarships are meant for students in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK interested in an approved STEM program of study. The scholarship covers full tuition and extra expenses, and offers students the opportunity to work one summer internship with the Department of Defense (DOD). Students must agree to accept employment at the DOD after they graduate. 


Scholarships for Women in STEM Based on Science Major


Society of Women Engineers Scholarships

Amount: $1,000-$15,000

Deadline: May 2, 2022

Field: Engineering and related fields, including computer engineering

How to Apply: Visit their application page

The Society of Women Engineers is a generous donor of scholarships for women in STEM. Their mission is to propel diversity and inclusion in the engineering field and empower women to embark as leaders in these career paths. They offer a combined amount of a whopping $1,220,000 in various female STEM scholarships, each with varying location, personal, and academic criteria. While the organization offers many different scholarships, aspiring students only need to apply once to be considered for all of them. Check out their full list of scholarships here

To be considered for undergraduate scholarships, you must be applying to ABET–accredited programs in engineering, computing, or technology. For graduate program scholarships, you must be enrolled or accepted to colleges with ABET-accredited programs in those same STEM fields. Other criteria include:

  • Proof that you don’t have the full funds for your education
  • Identify as a woman
  • Planning to study as a full-time student
  • Submit transcripts in English

Alpha Omega Epsilon (AOE) Scholarships

Amount: Not specified

Deadline: April 1, 2022

Field: Engineering and related fields

How to Apply: Answer an essay question on AOE’s application page.

The Alpha Omega Epsilon is an international sorority and non-profit founded in 1996 to empower women in pursuing careers in engineering and related technology fields. 

The organization’s Engineering and Technical Science Achievement Scholarship is awarded to women studying in engineering or related fields. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0.

Lucile B. Kaufman Women’s Scholarship

Amount: Not specified

Deadline: February 1, 2023

Field: Engineering and related fields

How to Apply: Answer questions on the SMEEF’s webpage.

The Society of Manufacturing Engineers Education Foundation is dedicated to preparing youth for careers in manufacturing engineering. Lucile B. Kaufman Women’s Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate women attending college full-time who have completed at least 30-semester credits in an engineering field related to manufacturing engineering in an accredited college or university in the United States. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0. The best part about this scholarship for women in STEM? No essay required! 


Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG) Scholarships

Amount: Varies

Deadline: Varied deadlines for different scholarships; February 14-June 30, 2022

Field: Geoscience, including geology, geochemistry, oceanography, hydrology, and earth science

How to Apply: Apply online

Founded in 1977, the AWG is dedicated to empowering women to pursue studies and careers in the geoscience fields. The organization offers a few scholarships for women interested in pursuing geoscience education in the US. While they offer a few scholarships, the female-dedicated scholarship deadline is for June 30.  

Computer and Information Science

AFFIRM Scholarship 

Amount: Depends on financial contributions to the organization, varies each year

Deadline: April 8, 2022

Field: All STEM fields, especially computer and information fields. 

How to Apply: Visit their application page

The Association for Federal Information (AFFIRM) encourages collaboration between academic bodies and the government to pursue shared goals. The organization offers two women in STEM scholarships for both men and women either living in Washington DC or planning to attend select universities:

The AFFIRM Annual Scholarship is for high school seniors and undergraduate students pursuing a degree in information science or any other STEM field. The Art & Ronnie Chantker AFFIRM College Scholarship is dedicated only to high school seniors from the District of Columbia’s Ward 7 or 8 pursuing a degree in information science or any other STEM field. Some eligibility criteria include: 

University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC): Center for Women & Information Technology Scholars

Amount: Varies

Deadline: April 8, 2022

Field: All STEM fields, especially computer and information fields. 

How to Apply: Visit the school’s scholarship retriever page. application page.

UMBC offers female students access to a wide range of STEM scholarship applications, and provides successful applicants with enough funds to cover four years of tuition for undergraduate programs in the computer and information fields. These scholarships are given to high school seniors who plan to attend the University of Maryland Baltimore County. 


Women have advanced countless areas of research within all the STEM fields, yet are still underrepresented in STEM careers, especially leadership positions. Women in STEM scholarships aim to bridge that gap by offering female aspiring STEM professionals the means to pursue a STEM education. 
Interested in finding more scholarship opportunities? Check out our article about the best scholarship websites!