TEAC- Teacher Education Accreditation Council

Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) is an accreditation council for educators or instructor preparation programs. Read more to know about TEAC.

TCM Staff

20th October 2020

Do you believe that more than a profession teaching is a service? At least a few would have questioned the need for a teacher training program. But most reformers insisted on the need to undergo a training program before beginning the teaching profession. 

Two national-level accrediting agencies are widely popular, like the Council for Higher Education (CHEA) and the United States Department for Education (USDE). The TEAC accreditation, on the other hand, has been chosen by the independent liberal arts colleges, flagship research universities, and those who rely on TEAC’s reliance on self-inquiry and continuous improvement.

What is TEAC?

Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) is a philanthropic association that intends to enhance the degree programs of future instructors who will instruct in pre-KG through grade 12. It accredits both undergraduate degree and graduate degree programs, running from small liberal arts schools to great private research colleges, and also some professional associations.

  • The council itself is approved by both the U.S. Department of Education, besides, to the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

  • The TEAC Program develops an on-going, influential, and sound quality control system that aimed at improving teacher or leader preparation. The program seeks to create competently, qualified, and caring professionals.

Eligibility Requirements for TEAC Accreditation

The eligibility criteria for the institutions to get accredited mentioned here. 

The establishment of giving the program licensed. Especially by one of the provincial accreditation offices or the equivalent.

The foundation has a dedication and purpose in agreeing to TEAC's principles and prerequisites.

The insight of the topic into convincing lessons examined, the ability of the applicants to convert. 

After successful completion of the program, the applicants must have the ability to transform into learned experts in due course of their profession.

The modules of the course should meet the standards set by the government.

Steps to TEAC Accreditation

Few steps to follow for the program to be accredited by the TEAC are below.

  • Application for membership in TEAC

  • Completion and submission of an accreditation plan

  • Preparation of a brief inquiry

  • Additional resources to be used for preparing the brief

  • The audit process and the accreditation decision process also happen

Guiding Values of Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC)

The common purpose of teacher education programs and other programs for professionals who work in schools is to prepare qualified educators.

  1. Standards of TEAC - The TEAC quality standards are the methods by which the staff puts forth the case that its expert training program has been successful with regards to getting ready, capable, mindful, and qualified proficient teachers. 

  2. Principles of the Council - It believes in several quality principles, out of which the first principle is candidate learning. The second principle is the evidence of faculty learning, and inquiry and the third principle is the evidence of institutional commitment and capacity for program quality.

  3. Other Parameters Determining the values - To evaluate candidate’s learning parameters such as candidate’s subject matter knowledge, professional knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, strategic decision making, and teaching skills along with the leadership skills identified.

  4. A rationale for assignments, program decisions, and planning based on evidence and the influential quality control system is the evidence of faculty learning and inquiry.

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Evidence for Institutional Commitment identifies as the third quality principle. Commitment, curriculum, faculty, facility, candidate support, response to candidate complaints, policies, and practices decide the institutional commitment.

TEAC accredited Colleges and Universities

Some of the colleges and universities that provide this accreditation are below. 

Decision Making Bodies of Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC)

The Board of Directors manages the activities and policies of the TEAC. The number of Directors on the Board fixes at three. Such amount as determined by the changing laws from time to time.

The different office-holding positions of the Board has several options. Such as the President, the Chair, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the related officers.


TEAC is the earlier authority of accrediting educator preparation programs provided by different institutions. The NCATE merged with TEAC for forming a new accrediting commission called the CAEP.

As teachers today have taken a more critical role in the life of students, it is necessary to ensure that the quality of teachers can be graded and hence provide room for improvement. The better qualified and dedicated the teachers are, the more would their teaching outcomes be.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1.What is the purpose of the Teacher Education Accreditation Council?

    The purpose is to improve academic degree programs for professional educators through Pre-KG through class-12. Competent, caring and professional educators are the expected outcomes of this professional policy.

  • 2.Which are the other programs that are accredited by the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC)?

    The undergraduate and graduate programs are accredited by the TEAC.

  • 3.How is CAEP different from TEAC?

    The TEAC and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) agreed to bring the educational accreditation rules under one agency known as the Council for the Accreditation of Educational Preparation.