Located in Springfield, MO, Cox College is a private university. Out of total 904 students enrolled at CC, 730 belong to undergraduate courses while 174 are postgraduate students. The school has a total of 82 academic staff. These faculty teach different courses to the students. Around 87% of the students are females and 13% are males. Notably, Cox College is also home to an ethnically diverse student population. At CC around 86% are white, 5% belong to an unknown race or ethnicity, and 4% belong to two or more races. Moreover, around 58% of the students are 24 and under. The employment rate, after six years of graduation, is a good parameter to gauge the employability which in this case is 91%. The school believes in the all-round growth of the students and, hence encourages students to take part in several sporting activities, conducted inside the campus. Students taking admission here will notice that the university boasts of a decent sports infrastructure. At CC, 32 undergraduate and graduate-level programs, including both residential and online, are offered to the students. The university also has a long list of accreditations. It has been accredited by ADiA (American Dietetic Association), CCNE (Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education), HLC Higher Learning Commission, and, NLN (National League for Nursing).