


Cost of Attendance


Net Price

Middlesex Community College (MCC) Tuition and Fees

Middlesex Community College is known for offering a wide range of programs in a variety of streams, providing quality education to students. Compared to the tuition fees charged at most colleges, the cost of education at MCC is quite low. The 2020 - 2021 official data shows that the estimated average cost for students pursuing undergraduate courses at Middlesex Community College comes to around $9,134, which includes tuition and other expenses as well. The books and supplies and other expenses cost $1,100 and $2,160, respectively.

Total Cost of Attendance

Student typeIn-stateOut-State
Tuition & Fees$6,110$12,062
Book & Supplies$1,200$1,200
Room & Board costNANA
Other ExpensesNANA
Total Cost of AttendanceNANA

Students should understand that the tuition fees charged for their degree programs is not the only expense that is involved in the cost of attending the university. There are several other expenses that are involved in the cost of attending the university, which primarily includes housing, dining, textbooks, supplies, and the cost of living. For students attending the university, the total tuition and fees for one year add up to about $9,134. In addition, the students will be needed to pay an average expense of $1,100 for books and supplies, $10,500 toward room and boarding, and $2,160 for different other expenses in a year. Hence, based on this information, the overall cost of attending the college adds up to around $22,894 per year. At MCC, the tuition and fees come out to be around $6,098 for in-state students and $12,170 for out-state candidates.

Average Net Price by Family Income

Net Price


Family Income

Avg. Net Price

$0 to $30,000


$30,001 to $48,000


$48,001 to $75,000


$75,001 to $110,000




As for the net cost for attending MCC, the actual amount depends on the annual family income of the candidate. The net price is nothing but the actual amount that a student is required to pay in a year. Usually, the individuals who have a higher family income will be required to pay a higher net amount, too. Simply put, the family income of the candidate is a key factor in determining the net amount. At MCC, the average net price is estimated to be $5,294. For students with a family income below $30,000, the estimated net price is $4,010, while for the individuals who fall in the $30,001-$48,000 income bracket, the net cost is $4,140. On the other hand, an estimated net cost of $5,426 is charged for the $48,001-$75,000 income bracket, $8,856 for the $75,001-$110,000 income category, and $10,562 for an annual family income more than $110,000.

Undergraduate Tuition and Fees

Student typeIn-stateOut-State
Tuition & Fees$6,110$12,062
Room & Board CostN/AN/A
Total Tuition & FeesN/AN/A

At Middlesex Community College, the estimated tuition and fees for candidates who have enrolled in undergraduate programs are $9,134 per year. Alongside that, they will likewise need to shell out around $10,500 toward their room and boarding charges. Accordingly, the overall cost for undergraduate students at the college totals about $22,894 per year, based on the available data.

Cost Per Credit Hour

DegreeYearCost per Credit hour
Graduate2018 - 2019N/A
Undergraduate2018 - 2019$215

The cost per credit hour – the total program cost divided by the total number of credit hours of the program – that the student has to pay to attend Middlesex Community College varies between graduate and undergraduate degrees. The cost per credit hour for the graduate courses at the college sits at $70. Also, Middlesex Community College currently offers a number of online courses to students across 41 different majors.

Campus Housing Expenses

Housing & other expensesOn CampusOff Campus
Room & BoardN/A$10,500
Other ExpenseN/A$2,160
Book & Supplies$1,200$1,200

Students of MCC who opt to live off-campus will be required to pay $12,660 per year toward housing. However, it is important to note that on-campus housing facilities have not been made available to students by the college. The room and boarding charges for the university’s off-campus students come to around $10,500. In addition to that, the candidates will have to pay an amount of about $1,100 for books and supplies. Meanwhile, the other expenses that one needs to plan for add up to $2,160 for off-campus students.

Campus Housing Expenses

Housing & Other Expenses

Room & Boards

On Campus


Off Campus


Housing & Other Expenses

Other Expenses

On Campus


Off Campus


Housing & Other Expenses

Book & Supplies

On Campus


Off Campus


Students of MCC who opt to live off-campus will be required to pay $12,660 per year toward housing. However, it is important to note that on-campus housing facilities have not been made available to students by the college. The room and boarding charges for the university’s off-campus students come to around $10,500. In addition to that, the candidates will have to pay an amount of about $1,100 for books and supplies. Meanwhile, the other expenses that one needs to plan for add up to $2,160 for off-campus students.

Online Degree Programs, Tuition and Cost Per Credit Summary

Degree TypeTotal Average TuitionAverage Tuition Per Credit
Associate $13,440 $210
Certificate $5,670 $210
Certificate $5,670 $210

Middlesex Community College (MCC) offers 28 online programs across 11 Majors.

Projected Price for a 4 year degree

A four-year undergraduate course as well as living expenses at MCC are projected to cost around $116,877 as per official data. Notably, the total expenses for undergraduate students amounted to $5,294 in 2018-2019, $4,250 in 2017-2018, and $4,264 in 2016-2017.

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