Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) Crossville Tuition and Fees
The tuition and expenses at TCAT is quite affordabble and the current year tuition & fees at this place are $4,236 .
64% of the enrolled undergraduate students are receiving grant or scholarships and therefore the average aid amount is $4,107 at Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Crossville. The school has a total enrollment of 876 and student to faculty ratio is 20 to 1 (5%). The average earning after 10 years of graduation is $28,800. The average net price is $10,512.
College Costs are typically broken into two - Direct and Indirect costs
Direct costs include tuition, fees, room, and board. The Bennett College health insurance plan is also a direct cost for those students who are required (i.e. – international students), or choose, to purchase the plan. The direct cost of attendance is decided by the Board of trustees.
Indirect costs include travel, books, supplies, and other miscellaneous personal expenses which can vary considerably from individual to individual.