
Avg. Federal Grant


Avg. Federal Loan


Total Aid Awarded

University of Colorado Boulder Financial Aid and Scholarships

Students Receiving Aid Percent of Students Receiving Financial Aid.


Total Aid Amount Average Total Aid Awarded per year.


Financial Aid Official Website


University of Colorado Boulder is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Everyone who completes the FAFSA (and any additional information requests) will be offered a particular financial aid that they are eligible for. These funds give priority to needy students, as determined by their FAFSA applications. University of Colorado Boulders has offered generous scholarships and grants to over 47% of undergraduate students.


Scholarships are considered financial aid and do not need to be repaid. Students may qualify for scholarships even if they do not have financial need, but some scholarships may require it. New and continuing students can apply for CU Boulder Scholarships via the online application. Since Colorado Boulder offers over a hundred different scholarships to students, we recommend you to visit their official website for the list of scholarships for an in-depth look into what they provide through the link we have provided to you.


A Grant is a type of financial aid that does not need to be repaid. Students may apply for it each year by completing the FAFSA. If a student is eligible for grant aid, its package may include a combination of federal, state and university grants.

The Federal Pell Grant is the only grant that will be available for all students eligible. All other grants are provided on a first-completed, first-served basis based on when students complete their FAFSA and any supplemental documentation requests.

Grant awards are divided into two equal payments for fall term and spring term, unless otherwise noted. All grant award amounts may be prorated if students enroll less than full time.

Federal Grants

The Federal Pell Grant is based on financial need as determined by the student’s FAFSA. Eligibility criteria for this Grant is that it is need based , Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of 5,711 or lower, should be an Undergraduate Student. The minimum Pell grant award is US$649 and the maximum award is US$6,345. The amount of Pell students are  eligible for is based on EFC.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is a federal grant that is awarded to undergraduate students who are eligible for the Pell Grant and who are enrolled at least half time (6-11 credit hours). Recipients may be residents or non-residents. The award amount for FSEOG is based on the EFC. In 2020-21, students with an EFC of 0 were considered for an award up to $4,000.

State Grant

Colorado Student Grant is funded by the Colorado General Assembly. Students should be enrolled as a part-timer at least (6-11 credit hours) and possess an EFC of over 8,000.

Colorado Graduate Grant is a state grant available to eligible Colorado residents attending graduate school. Students should be enrolled at least as part-timers (4-8 credit hours for graduate students). Also, students should have EFC OF 10,000 or lower. The award amount depends upon EFC and Major.

Grad Student Fee Grant is awarded to eligible graduate students and is funded by 20% of CU Boulder’s Student Capital Construction Fee. The criteria for awarding this grant is that the student should be a Colorado Resident and should be enrolled at least half time (4-8 credit hours for graduate students) and EFC of 10,000 or lower.The award depends  upon EFC.

Institutional Grant

CU Boulder (Institutional) Grants provides university-funded grant aid to eligible students for an equivalent of 125% of the length of their program. For most degrees, the maximum limit would be 150 credit hours (160 credit hours for engineering students). All credits attempted at any CU campus (“F”, “W”, and “Incomplete” grades are included), accepted transfer credit, and AP/IB coursework will count toward the maximum limit.

The CU Boulder Grant is awarded to eligible undergraduate students who are enrolled at least as part-timers. Eligibility criteria for this is that the student should be Enrolled at least half time (6-11 credit hours), Also Student should be an Undergraduate student with EFC of 5,711 or lower. The Amount of the Grant depends upon the EFC.

If you want to dig more into what the University of Colorado Boulder can offer you via grants, you may visit a few links we’ve provided; for undergraduates, please have a look at this link while information on graduate grants may be found through this link.

Financial Aid Breakdown

Student Receiving Aid

Federal Grant Aid


State Grant Aid


Institution Grant Aid


Pell Grant


Average Aid Awarded

Federal Grant Aid


State Grant Aid


Institution Grant Aid


Pell Grant


University of Colorado Boulders provides multiple aids; the total aid awarded so far reaches up to US$152,455,782, with about 7% of students receiving total aid contributing to those numbers. About 47% of students apply for aid, however.

  • Federal Grant average aid is US$4,930, with the percentage of students receiving it standing at 16%.

  • Pell Grant average aid is US$4,583 and the percentage of students receiving it is 16%.

  • 8% of students receive State Grants that contain an average aid of US$3,110.

  • Institution Grant average aid worth an average of US$7,696 is received by 48% of students applying for it.

Federal Aid based on Family Income

Family Income

Average Federal Aid Per Year

Under $30,000


$30,001 - $48,000


$48,001 - $75,000


$75,001 - $110,000


Over $110,000


The average federal aid in University of Colorado Boulders is calculated according to the family income of the student. Depending on the financial aid available to the family or the student, the income bracket may either pay more or less than the overall average costs.

The Federal aid for the Family Income ranging between US$0-30,000 is a bit higher as the need is also high in that case so the aid provided is US$17,129. Slight change is observed within the ranges US$30,001-48,000; the aid provided for it is US$15233. Incomes between US$48,001-75,000 receive US$10,984. When the income range increases the aid amount decreases to US$4,303. Ranges above  US$110,000 receive an approximate amount of US$2277.

Student Loans for University of Colorado Boulder

Average Loan Amount Average Loan Amount received per year.


Students Taking Out Loans


Loan Default Rate


Minumum Credit ScoreApply in as little asVariable APRFixed APR
Discover Student LoansNot Available15 minutes or less2.954.74 View disclosures
Credible6202 minutes5.38%-16.99%14.43%-16.99%1 View disclosures
Sallie MaeNot Available15 minutes1.13% - 11.23%¹ (with autopay)3.50% - 12.60%¹ (with autopay) View disclosures

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