
Our team strives to provide information that is accurate, complete and timely, but we make no guarantees about the information published, listed schools, accreditation status, financial aid and scholarships, career opportunities, employment and salary outcomes. Please read below for the further understanding for the schools and content published on this website and our rationale behind selecting this information.

Data and information

Accuracy of data and timeliness

The data in our website is solely for information and guidance purpose. The data is gathered from third party sources and do not claim the warranties, guarantees and accuracy of the same. Data provided is just for guidance purposes and may have changed since our last update. We request you to refer the official college websites and seek expert advice before committing yourselves to a school or program listed on this website.

Sources of facts and citation

The data present in our website may be taken from third party resources which we consider to originate from qualified and reliable sources which include governmental statistics and surveys, national surveys by esteemed organizations or data from media publications.

Quality claims

With respect to the list of “top”, “best” or other qualitative ranking of schools published on the website, the data is extracted from an independent and trusted source whose identity and methodology is disclosed near the listing.

School Listings

Our website do not, and are not intended to, provide a comprehensive list of all schools in the United States. The schools listed on our website is taken from trusted government website. The school specific data or promotional material given on our website is gathered by approved school or university website.

School Accreditation Status

Any information related to the Accreditation status of a school is included purely for guidance purpose and may have changed since the last publication. We request you to refer or confirm with the school prior to enrolling Tuition, financial aid, scholarships and grants.

Tuition rates & pricing

Tuition rates and pricing data on this website are included for guidance purposes only and may have changed since last publication. Contact the school directly and confirm tuition rates and pricing directly prior to enrolling.

Financial aid

Financial Aid is offered by certain schools and programs of study to qualified students, however our website makes no guarantees as to the availability of or eligibility requirements for financial aid with respect to any of the schools or programs listed on this website. You are requested to confirm the same directly with each school prior to enrolling.

Scholarships and grants

Scholarships and grants is offered by certain schools and programs of study to qualified students, however our website makes no guarantees as to the availability of or eligibility requirements for Scholarships and grants with respect to any of the schools or programs listed on this website. You are requested to confirm the same directly with each school prior to enrolling.

Employment Placement Services

This website does not offer employment placement.

Career Guide

Successful completion of any program or degree listed on our website is not a guarantee of employment. Additional Qualifications or Certification, coursework completed, geographic location and general economic conditions may be required for employment opportunities. Outcome of a degree or a program study vary according to each institution’s specific curriculum.

Salary and earning potential outcome

Successful completion of any program or degree listed on our website does not guarantee any level of salary or earning potential. Salary and Earning Potential may vary based on factors such as coursework completed, your geographic location, available career options and general economic conditions.

Primary Data Source

Primary Data Sources
Universities Official websites
National Center for Education Statistics https://nces.ed.gov/
Federal Student Aid https://fafsa.ed.gov/
Council for Higher Education Accreditation https://www.chea.org
U.S Department of Education https://www.ed.gov/
U.S Department of Education https://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/