Student Loan Forgiveness and Repayment for Doctors

Learn about the forgiveness and repayment plans for doctors offered by government, military and more. Also learn about the best ways to manage your debt.

Updated by Jason Joy Manoj on 3rd July 2020

Medical school is a serious commitment and anyone who wants to pursue their dream of becoming a doctor must come to terms with the lifelong journey they must take to fighting diseases and promoting wellness in the society. It is even advised by aspirants to first consider the number of hours of study and research one has to put in to become a doctor. Finishing medical school is one milestone of the journey and is one worth being proud of, but it is difficult to overlook the burden of debt which comes along with medical debt.

Common medical institution debt is around $189,000 for the year 2017 graduates by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Further, many scholars have also had debt than common as they hold their undergraduate studies.

We believe that the burden of debt must not discourage students and medical aspirants to hinder their decision of taking up the course so this article contains some ways how you can manage your debt and the various loan repayment options available to you.


  1. Loan Forgiveness Programs for Doctors
  2. National Loan Forgiveness programs 
  3. Government Loan Forgiveness Programs 
  4. Military Loan Forgiveness Programs 

Loan forgiveness programs for Doctors

It should be noted that are a number of jobs available to help get your loans forgiven. Having an in-depth understanding of the various student loan forgiveness jobs out there is crucial to see if your job can get your loans forgiven.

According to a recent study done by health care research firm Merritt Hawkins 3 in 5 physicians completing residency cited student loan forgiveness as a major concern. While taking up a forgiveness program it should be noted that you will have to take your skills and talents at a location chosen by the state, so you will be limited by the choice of employer, area, specialty, and pay.

There are 3 major categories of Student Loan forgiveness programs which are 

  • National Loan Forgiveness Programs 

  • Government Loan Forgiveness Programs 

  • Armed Forces Health Profession Scholarship Programs 

Let us look at them in detail

National Loan Forgiveness Programs 

Here is a study of all the national loan forgiveness programs available for Doctors. 

Kansas Bridging Plan

This program is targeted to encourage primary care practitioners and psychiatry residents to practice in Kansas on completion of their residency training. 


Eligible Kansas resident programs include:

  • Family medicine

  • Internal medicine

  • Pediatrics

  • Emergency medicine

  • Psychiatry

  • Child Psychiatry

Availability - The state of Kansas takes up the initiative to allow 13 slots for primary care and 3 slots for psychiatry. The Kansas Bridging plan program will start accepting applications from 1st September 2019.

Amount - The financial incentive provided is at least $26,000 in exchange for a 36-month commitment to practice in an eligible Kansas county.

Contact -

Tara Morrow


Maine Health Professions Loan Program 

This program is targeted towards students who are pursuing a post-graduate in medical, dental or veterinary sciences.

It is a need-based, competitive loan and the number of loans awarded is limited and heavily depends on the available funding. It should be noted that the priority for the award is heavily dependant upon the priority of the need for financial assistance.

Amount awarded - The financial assistance provided by the Maine Health Professions Loan Program can go up to $100,000(for a max of 4 years) which is up to $25,000 per year.

Application process - 

  • Download the Maine health professions loan application and fill it up 

  • Provide a copy of your graduate and undergraduate transcripts

  • Provide the additional documents - A copy of your driver's license, copy of your vehicle registration, signed copy of your most recent Maine income tax return

  • Fill the FAFSA by May 30

Eligibility - 

  • Maine residents (for purposes other than education) for one year prior to matriculation into medical school

  • Students admitted to a program of allopathic, osteopathic, veterinary medicine, dentistry at an accredited institution of medical education

Contact - 


PO Box 949, 

5 Community Drive Augusta

 ME  04332-0949

Phone and Fax:

PH: 1-800-228-3734 or 207-623-3263 

FAX: 207-623-0095

Medical Student Loan Program 

The purpose of this program is to help needy medical students receive funds to help pursue an M.D or D.O, at one of the universities specified on their official website.

The institutional financial aid office is responsible for determining eligibility and for notifying the individual students of the actions taken. It should be noted that the educational institution is under no obligation to approve any subsequent loan requests even if the eligibility is met.

Under a forbearance period, interest will start to accrue on the loan and should the borrower fail to pay the accrued interest it will be capitalized at the end of the forbearance period.

Amount awarded - They can avail up to $10,000 annually. The number of awards and the value of the individual awards for the Medical Student Loan Program is dependent on the available funding.

Eligibility - To be eligible you need to meet the following criteria :

  • Be a US citizen

  • Not defaulted on any previous student loans 

  • Meet academic standards 

  • Demonstrate financial need

  • Get enrolled at an approved West Virginia school of medicine.

Application - All applications must be obtained from the Financial Aid Office of a participating educational institution.

List of the medical specialties that qualify for loan forgiveness:

  1. Family Medicine/Family Practice

  2. General Surgery

  3. Internal Medicine

  4. Obstetrics/Gynecology

  5. Pediatrics

  6. Psychiatry

Contact - 

Jan Ruge

Medical Student Loan Program

West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

1018 Kanawha Boulevard East, Suite 700

Charleston, West Virginia 25301 

(877) 987-7664 or (304) 558-4614

Minnesota Dentist Loan Forgiveness Program 

The purpose of this program is to recruit and retain health care professionals in certain areas of need in the state of Minnesota. It is an important benefit for those healthcare facilities currently and projected to experience a shortage of healthcare professionals.

It should be noted that the selection process for the Minnesota Dentist Loan forgiveness program is quite competitive and preference is given to those closest to completing their training.

Selected candidates must serve 3 years minimum/ 4 years maximum. 25 % of patient visits are public programs or sliding fee scales.

Amount awarded - The annual repayment amount provided is $30,000.

Application process - This program cycle is currently closed

Eligibility - Dental students and residents in dental programs or licensed dentists are eligible.

The Dentist Loan Forgiveness Program provides funds for repayment of qualifying educational loans for dental students, residents or licensed dentists. Applicants are responsible for securing their own educational loans. Qualified loans include government, commercial and foundation loans for actual costs paid for tuition, reasonable education and living expenses related to the graduate or undergraduate education of a healthcare professional. (as per the Minnesota Department of Health).

Contact -  You can contact the program administrator:

Brenda Flattum : 651-201-3870

Email -

Minnesota Nurse Loan Forgiveness Program 

The purpose of this program is to recruit and retain certified nurses and educators in certain areas of need in the state of Minnesota. It is an important benefit for those healthcare facilities currently and projected to experience a shortage of healthcare professionals.

It should be noted that the selection process for the Minnesota Nurse Loan Forgiveness Program is quite competitive and preference is given to those closest to completing their training.

Selected candidates must serve a 2-year minimum with the option to extend 2 additional years in a nursing home, housing with services establishment, home care, intermediate care facility for persons with developmental disabilities or hospital if owns/operates a licensed nursing home( must work 50% of the time in a nursing home)

Amount awarded - The annual repayment amount for this program is $5,000.

Eligibility - Students who are training to become a Registered Nurse(RN) and Licensed Practical Nurses(LPN) programs or Licensed RN/LPN.

The Minnesota Nurse Loan Forgiveness Program provides funds for repayment of qualifying educational loans for licensed practical or registered nurses. Applicants are responsible for securing their own educational loans. Qualified loans include government, commercial and foundation loans for actual costs paid for tuition, reasonable education and living expenses related to the graduate or undergraduate education of a healthcare professional. ( as per the Minnesota Department of Health)

The minimum service obligation is to serve 3 - 4 years in a rural area.  

Application - This loan forgiveness program cycle is now closed.

Contact - You can contact the program administrator Angela Lofgren at :


Email -

Minnesota Rural Advanced Practice Provider Loan Forgiveness program

This program is aimed to provide loan repayment assistance to students in the final year of initial licensure to prepare them to become mid-level practitioners who agree to practice in a designated rural area of Minnesota.

Eligibility - To be eligible for the Minnesota Rural advanced Practice Provider Loan Forgiveness program the eligible professions must be included in:

  • Nurse practitioners

  • Nurse-midwives

  • Nurse anesthetics

  • Advanced clinical nurse specialists

  • Physician assistants

The Rural Advanced Practice Providers Loan Forgiveness Program provides funds for repayment of qualified educational loans for advanced practice providers. Applicants are responsible for securing their own educational loans. Credit card or loans from family members do not qualify. Qualified loans include government, commercial and foundation loans for actual costs paid for tuition, reasonable education and living expenses related to the graduate or undergraduate education of a health care professional. ( as per the Minnesota Department of Health)

Amount awarded - The amount awarded is up to $12,000 a year.

Service obligation for this program is 3 years minimum/ 4 years maximum in a rural area

Application - This loan forgiveness program cycle is now closed.

Contact - You can contact the program administrator  Angela Lofgren at :


Email -

Minnesota Rural Physician Loan Forgiveness Program

The purpose of this program is to recruit and retain health care professionals in certain areas of need in the state of Minnesota. It is an important benefit for those healthcare facilities currently and projected to experience a shortage of healthcare professionals.

It should be noted that the selection process is quite competitive and preference is given to those closest to completing their training.

Amount awarded - The annual repayment amount is $25,000.

Eligibility - The Rural Physician Loan Forgiveness Program provides funds for repayment of qualified educational loans for primary care physicians. Applicants are responsible for securing their own educational loans. Credit card or loans from family members do not qualify. Qualified loans include government, commercial and foundation loans for actual costs paid for tuition, reasonable education and living expenses related to the graduate or undergraduate education of a healthcare professional. ( as per the Minnesota Department of Health)

The service obligation is 3-4 years in a rural area.

Application process - This loan forgiveness program cycle is now closed.

Contact -  You can contact the program administrator  Angela Lofgren at :


Email -

Minnesota Urban Physician Loan Forgiveness Program 

The purpose of this program is to recruit and retain health care professionals in certain areas of need in the state of Minnesota. It is an important benefit for those healthcare facilities currently and projected to experience a shortage of health care professionals.

It should be noted that the selection process is quite competitive and preference is given to those closest to completing their training.

Amount awarded  - The annual repayment amount is $25,000.

Eligibility - In order to be eligible you have to be a resident in pediatric, family practice, Internal Medicine, Psychiatric, or OB/GYN programs or licensed programs.

The Minnesota Urban Physician Loan Forgiveness Program provides funds for repayment of qualifying educational loans for primary care physicians. Applicants are responsible for securing their own educational loans.

Qualified loans include government, commercial and foundation loans for actual costs paid for tuition, reasonable education and living expenses related to the graduate or undergraduate education of a health care professional. ( as per the Minnesota Department of Health )The service obligation is 3-4 years in a rural area.

Application Process - This loan forgiveness program cycle is now closed.

Contact -  You can contact the program administrator  Angela Lofgren at :


Email -

Oregon Primary Care Loan Forgiveness Program (PCLF)

This program is designed to meet the workforce requirements in rural Oregon.

Amount awarded - The candidates who are eligible for the Oregon Primary Care Loan Forgiveness program receive $35,000 per year in exchange for service at an approved Oregon rural site.

To be eligible for the program, the following requirements must be met:

  • Have a strong academic background

  • Be ready to begin practice at an approved Oregon rural site 90 days after graduation or completion of residency

  • Have participated in the Oregon AHEC Scholars Program or accepted to an approved Oregon rural training track

For PCLF, primary care is defined as

  • Physicians - Family Medicine, General Internal Medicine, General Pediatrics, General Surgery, Community Psychiatry, Gerontology, and OB/GYN

  • Physician Assistants - Family Medicine, General Internal Medicine, General Pediatrics, General Surgery, Community Psychiatry, Gerontology, and OB/GYN 

  • Nurse Practitioners - Family, Adult, Nurse Midwife, Gerontology, Pediatrics, and Psychiatric Mental Health

  • Dentists - General Adult and General Pediatric

  • Pharmacists - General Pharmacy and Psychiatric Pharmacy

Upon completion of training, PCLF participants must:

  • Be contracted to practice in primary care at an approved rural Oregon practice site within 90 days of graduation or completion of residency (if applicable)

  • Serve one year of clinical service in an approved rural Oregon practice site for each year of funding received

  • Provide a minimum of 32 hours a week of direct patient care a week in an approved rural Oregon practice site for the duration of their service obligation.

The PCLF practice sites must meet the following -

  • Be located in a rural area as designated by the Oregon Office of Rural Health

  • Be located in a federally designated HPSA, MUA or an Area of Unmet Need as determined by the Oregon Office of Rural Health

  • See at least the same percentage of Medicare and Medicaid patients that exist in the county in which the clinic is located 

  • Have a valid Site Application on file with the Oregon Office of Rural health that is no more than one year old.

Application - The application for this program cycle is now closed.

PCLF service obligation - The service obligation is different for students in school and post-graduation applicants, here is an in-depth obligation for each as per the Oregon office for rural health:

In-school participants must - 

  • Continue participating in the Oregon AHEC Scholars Program or approved Oregon rural training track (Western University: D.O.)

  • Remain enrolled full time and in good academic standing

Post-graduation participants must - 

  • Be contracted to practice in primary care at an approved rural Oregon practice site within 90 days of graduation or completion of residency (if applicable)

  • Serve one year of clinical service in primary care at an approved rural Oregon practice site for each year of funding received

  • Provide a minimum of 32 hours a week of direct patient care a week at your approved practice site for 48 weeks out of a 52 week period (for the duration of the PCLF obligation); AND

  • Promptly notify the Office of Rural Health with any employment status or contact information changes.  

Contact - |503-494-4450 | toll-free 866-674-4376. 

Primary Care Resource Initiative for Missouri (PRIMO)

This program is a competitive state program that awards forgivable loans to students pursuing healthcare training leading to licensure in the state of Missouri.

There are 4 primary components of PRIMO:

  1. Student loans

  2. Recruitment /Placement 

  3. Health Professional Loan Repayment 

  4. Health Care Delivery Systems

Health professionals that are eligible for this program are - 

  • Primary care physicians

  • Primary care dentists

  • Dental hygienists

It should be noted that forgiveness awarded is based on the number of loans received. For example, one loan equates to one year of service at a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA). Qualifying employment is capped at 5 years even if the PRIMO participant receives more than 5 loans.

Qualifying employment is direct patient care at a facility that is designated as an HPSA.

Contact - 

Rural Health and primary care 

Missouri Department of health and senior services 

PO Box 570

Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570

Telephone - 573-751-6441

Fax - 573-522-8146

Scholars for a Healthy Oregon (SHOI)

This program is designed in keeping both the student and the Oregon workforce in mind, it provides funding for the student's tuition and applicable fees in return for a commitment to serve at a rural or underserved community in the state of Oregon for a minimum of one year.

This is a great opportunity to help make a difference in one of the rural and underserved communities in the state and really provide a difference to your degree.

Eligibility - To eligible for Scholars for a Healthy Oregon (SHOI), you must be a student admitted to OHSU for one of the following clinical degree programs

  • Doctor of Medicine (MD)

  • Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD)

  • Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS)

Doctor of Nursing Practice in - 

  • Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

  • Family Nurse Practitioner

  • Nurse Anesthesia

  • Nurse-Midwifery

  • Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

  • Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

The program is quite competitive and priority will be given to the following during selection- 

  • First-generation college students

  • Students from a diverse or underrepresented community 

  • Students who live and/or graduated from an Oregon high school in a rural location or underserved community, or who graduated from one the Technical & Regional Universities

Applications - MD, DMD, MPAS and DNP applicants: applications will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis.

Contact - Contact Anna Tupper at 503 -494-1267 or email her at

Government Loan Forgiveness Programs 

Here are the various government loan forgiveness programs available for Doctors. 

Indian Health Services Loan Repayment Program

Indian Health Services (IHS) is a federal health program for the American Indians and Alaska natives which offers the loan program for the health profession. Where it can be taken in the advantage of these programs based on the IHS facilities under the greatest need.

Amount awarded - In exchange for the 2-year service that is done, IHS Loan Repayment will repay up to $20,000 per year in medical institution loans. They can renew their contract for further student loan benefits until the debt is repaid.

Eligibility - In order to qualify for this program, you must be a health professional practicing in specific health profession disciplines, you must be willing to commit to an initial two-year service obligation while working in health facilities serving American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

Opportunities are based on staffing needs and the availability of funds. Distribution of LRP awards is based on a ranking system created to address these needs. Our system identifies hiring priorities for those Indian health program facilities with the greatest staffing needs in specific health profession disciplines. American Indians and Alaska Natives receive priority consideration when all factors are equal between applicants. ( as per the official IHS website)

Contact - 

Indian Health Service

Loan Repayment Program

5600 Fishers Lane, OHR (11E53A)

Rockville, MD 20857

Phone: 301-443-3396

Fax: 301-443-4815

Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (EST), Monday - Friday (except Federal holidays)

National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Loan Repayment Program

The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Provides you loan repayment assistance to Doctors and medical professionals. It provides repayment programs, Students to the service program.

Amount awarded -The loan repayment program is provided to the participants who have committed to work for a period of 2 years at the NHSC-approved site. This program can earn licensed health care providers up to $50,000 towards their student loans. Further participants can also serve as a primary care medical or mental/behavioral health clinicians.

The loan of the student is tax-free and will be distributed from the starting of service which is committed to maximizing the interest in saving. Programs who are participants can able to apply to extend their benefits beyond their 2 years. The duration and level of assistance will be based on the area of service and the high need are qualified for a larger part of loan repayments.

Eligibility - You are eligible if you qualify as:

  • A United States citizen (U.S. born or naturalized) or the United States national

  • A provider (or be eligible to participate as a provider) in the Medicare, Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, as appropriate;

  • Fully trained and licensed to practice in the NHSC-eligible primary care medical, dental or mental/behavioral health discipline and state in which you are applying to serve; and

  • A health professional in an eligible discipline with qualified student loan debt for an education that led to your degree.

Specialties and disciplines eligible -  the 3 main specialities can be broadly classified as primary care, dental care, behavioral and mental health. 

Disciplines Specialties
Allopathic (MD) Osteopathic (DO) Family Medicine General Internal Medicine General Pediatrics Obstetrics/Gynecology Geriatrics
Physician Assistants (PA) Nurse Practitioners (NP) Adult Family Pediatric Women's Health Geriatrics
Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNM) N/A
Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) General Dentistry
Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry (DMD) Pediatric Dentistry
Dental Hygienists N/A
Physicians (behavioural)   
Allopathic (MD) Psychiatry (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists are eligible)
Osteopathic (DO) Psychiatry (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists are eligible)
Health Service Psychologists (HSP) N/A
Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW) N/A
Psychiatric Nurse Specialists (PNS) N/A
Marriage and Family Therapists (MFT) N/A
Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC) N/A
Nurse Practitioners (NP) Mental Health & Psychiatry
Physician Assistants (PA) Mental Health & Psychiatry

Application - The following are the sections in the online application - 


If you do not pass this initial screening portion of the application, you cannot continue with the application.

General Information

Provide contact information such as your name, social security number, mailing, and email addresses, as well as information about individual and family background.

Discipline, Training, and Certification

Provide information about your education, training, and licensure/certification.

Employment - You will search for, and select the NHSC-approved site(s), where you currently provide or will provide patient care.

Employment Verification - You must request an Employment Verification (EV). Through the Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) Customer Service Portal, we will then notify the designated point(s)-of-contact at the NHSC-approved service site where you work (or plan to work), about your request.

We will notify you once the site(s) point(s) of contact completes it.

The site(s) must complete the electronic EV before you can submit your application. Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure that the site point-of-contact completes the EV.

Loan Information - Provide information on each qualifying educational loan for which you seek repayment.

We will verify each by reviewing supporting documents, contacting lenders/holders, and checking your credit report.

Each of the loans must have:

1. The original date of consolidation

2. Original balance of consolidation

3. Account number

    • Name and contact information for the lender/holder

    • Loan account number

    • Original amount disbursed

    • Original date of the loan

    • Current outstanding balance (no more than 30 days from the date you submit your application)

    • Current interest rate

    • Type of loan. If a consolidated loan, we need to know

    • Purpose of the loan.

The required supporting documents are - 

1. Proof of status as a United States citizen or the United States national

Acceptable documents: Birth certificate, current U.S. passport’s ID page, or a certificate of citizenship or naturalization.

Unacceptable documents: Driver’s license or Social Security Card.

2. Loan Information Verification - Provide two types of documentation for each loan you submit - 

  • Be on official letterhead or other clear verification that it comes from the lender/holder;

  • Include the name of the borrower (i.e., the NHSC LRP applicant);

  • Contain the account number;

  • Include the date of the statement (cannot be more than 30 days from the date you submit your application);

  • Include the current outstanding balance (principal and interest) or the current payoff balance; and

  • Include the current interest rate.

  • Be on official letterhead or other clear verification that it comes from the lender/holder;

  • Include the name of the borrower;

  • Contain the account number;

  • Include the type of loan;

  • Include the original loan date (must be prior to the date you submit your application);

  • Include the original loan amount; and

  • Include the purpose of the loan - account statement( current information on your qualifying loans) and the disbursement report (verifies the originating loan information).

( as per NHSC official website)

Contact - Telephone: 1-800-221-9393

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities

The program is aimed to increase the number of qualified researchers who conduct research in health disparities. 

Amount awarded - The program offers loan repayment up to $35,000 per year to health professionals with doctoral degrees. The recipients must conduct health disparities or clinical research in nonfederal research settings.

The program offers two repayment opportunities:

  1. The Loan Repayment Program for Health Disparities Research (LRP-HDR) - This program supports health professionals involved in clinical behavior, social science, or health service research addressing health disparities. It is stated that at least 50 percent of the recipients of this program must be from a health disparity population.

  2. The Extramural Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds - This program aims to support those applicants who are financially disadvantaged backgrounds who conduct clinical research. To eligible, the applicant must be directly involved with direct patient interaction and usually involved in studying the origins or effects of a disease or health condition.

Application -  the applications for this program is now closed.

Eligibility - It should be noted that applicants who are employed in federal research settings are not eligible.

Applicants must be health professionals with doctoral degrees (e.g., M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., Dr.P.H.) and must have student loan debts worth at least 20 percent of their base salaries. Additionally, applicants must be employed in nonfederal research settings such as academic institutions or nonprofit organizations. Individuals employed in federal research settings are not eligible.

For the Extramural Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds, applicants must come from families with an income below current federal low-income thresholds. These thresholds are outlined each year in the request for applications. ( as per the NIMHD official website)

Contact - 

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities

National Institutes of Health

6707 Democracy Boulevard, Suite 800

Bethesda, MD 20892-5465






NHSC Students to Service Loan Repayment Program 

To be eligible for this program you need to be in the last year of medical or dental school.

In return for the loan payment assistance, you will be asked to provide at least 3 years of service at an NHSC approved site at a designated HPSA.

Application - The entire application process for the NHSC Students to service loan repayment program consists of these 3 broad steps :

  1. The application process, eligibility, and guidance.

  2. Selection factors

  3. Funding priorities

Here are the required supplemental documentation -

Proof of status as a United States citizen or the United States national

Acceptable documents: birth certificate, current U.S. passport’s ID page, or a certificate of citizenship or naturalization.

Unacceptable documents: permanent resident card, driver’s license, marriage certificate or Social Security card.

Authorization to Release Information - Authorizes identified entities to disclose information about you. It must include the last four digits of your social security number, be dated and have your handwritten signature.

Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV) - Outline relevant work/volunteer experience and be fewer than five pages long.

Proof of Passage of Required Licensing Examinations

  • Medical students must submit documentation verifying that they have passed Step/Level 1 of the USMLE or the COMLEX.

  • Dental students must submit documentation verifying that they have passed Part I of the National Board Dental Examination.

Verification of Good Standing - A school official must complete and sign a report verifying:

  • Your enrollment;

  • You are in good standing

  • Your last day of classes is no later than May 31, 2018; and

  • You will graduate before July 1, 2018.

  • We will verify for accuracy

Letters of Recommendation

Submit two letters of recommendation, each on letterhead with a handwritten signature:

One letter from an instructor and one additional letter of recommendation.

Recommendations should include a description of the recommender’s relationship to you, and a discussion of your interest in, and commitment to, a career in primary care and service populations and communities in need.


Must come from your current educational institution. An unofficial transcript is acceptable as long as it includes your name, school name, and grade point average (GPA) (maybe pass/fail).

Loan Information Verification - Provide two types of documentation for each loan you submit:

  • Be on official letterhead or other clear verification that it comes from the lender/holder;

  • Include the name of the borrower (i.e., the NHSC LRP applicant);

  • Contain the account number;

  • Include the date of the statement (cannot be more than 30 days from the date you submit your application);

  • Include the current outstanding balance (principal and interest) or the current payoff balance; and

  • Include the current interest rate.

  • Be on official letterhead or other clear verification that it comes from the lender/holder;

  • Include the name of the borrower;

  • Contain the account number;

  • Include the type of loan;

  • Include the original loan date (must be prior to the date you submit your application);

  • Include the original loan amount; and

  • Include the purpose of the loan - account statement( current information on your qualifying educational loans) and disbursement report( verifies the originating loan information)

Amount awarded - Participants can receive up to $120,000 in loan repayments payable in funds payable in four annual installments (up to $30,000).

Once the participant has completed the initial three-year service contract, he/she maybe be able to apply for additional loan repayment funds to pay any remaining educational loans.

Contact - Call: 1-800-221-9393

Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)

Practitioners can fit for public service where it can even pass for Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.  Where it largely based on their employer. These consist of full-time employment by a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit or public institution such as hospitals. It is consist of areas that are under or in need of medical professionals.

You need to make 120 payments which are for ten months taking out PSLF qualified work. Where the federal government might forget the balance debt.

Eligibility - To be eligible for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness you must:

  • Work for a government agency or for certain non-profit organizations

  • Have direct loans or other federal loans that qualify

  • Repay your loans on an income-driven repayment plan

  • Make 120 qualifying payments 

The following employers do not qualify for PSLF - 

  • Labor unions

  • Partisan political organizations

  • For-profit organizations (this includes for-profit government contractors)

  • Not-for-profit organizations that are not tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and that do not provide a qualifying public service as their primary function

Application - Since you have to make 120 qualifying monthly payments it will be at least 10 years after you make your first qualifying payment before you apply for PSLF.

If you have made 120 qualifying payments then you can go ahead and fill/submit the PSLF application form. You can use the PSLF help tool to fill out your application or download the PSLF application and complete all the sections on your own before submitting it.

Contact - 800 433-3243

US Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Primary Care Loans 

This program is aimed to provide financial help to students who intend to pursue a career in allopathic or osteopathic medicine.

Within 4 years of their graduation, students are asked to enroll and complete their residency training in primary care. Continue to practice in primary care for the rest of the life of the loan.

There are a number of loans available and the availability of these loans can be confirmed at the AAMC directory of state loan repayment programs.

Website -

Military Programs for Medical Student Loan Repayment

Departments of military provide you with the tuition for medical students who are service members. Doctors who have been graduates and are practicing can enroll them in military service and get student loan assistance.

Army medical student loan repayment 

There are many student loan repayment assistance choices for Army practitioners available and where you can help yourself manage your medical institution student loans.

Financial Assistance Program 

This award grants up to $45,000 each year and also a monthly stipend of $2,000 or even more to Army members who have enrolled in an accredited residency.

Active Duty Health Professions 

It offers up to $120,000 for repaying medical institution loans. Where practitioners must be on active duty in order to pass and these benefits will be paid out in $ 40,000 disbursement for 3 years.

Health professionals special pay 

It offers you up to $75,000 to both active-duty practitioners and doctors who are members of the Army Reserve who have completed a residency under a qualifying specialty payment can be made up to $25,000 in the 3 years.

Reserve Medical Corps Benefits 

When you become a physician and officer on the U.S. Army Reserve health care team, you can practice in your community and serve when needed. In addition to generous financial incentives and retirement plan options, you'll have the opportunity to enhance your career and work with advanced medical technology.

Healthcare Professional Loan Repayment 

The program provides up to $250,000 for repayment of education loans for physicians in certain specialties who are serving in an Army Reserve Troop Program Units, AMEDD Professional Management Command, or the Individual Mobilization Program.

For each year of satisfactory service, a maximum of $40,000 will be applied to an education loan, up to a total of $250,000. Individuals may be eligible, if qualified, to apply for one other Army Reserve incentive.

Navy Medical Student Loan Repayment 

Members of the military servicing as navy practitioners can take advantage of these incentives and here are some Navy medical loan repayment assistance choices.

Navy Health Professions Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP) 

This program aims to provide payment of professional education loans for new accessions in the navy and also for those who are currently pursuing an active duty as medical personnel to extend their duty.

Eligibility - In order to be eligible for this program you need to meet the following (as per the official website):

  • Must be qualified for, or hold an appointment as a commissioned officer in one of the health professions and sign a written agreement to serve on active duty for a prescribed time period.

  • Be fully qualified in a health profession that the Secretary of the Navy has determined to be necessary to meet identified skill shortages.

  • Must not be a current HPSP or FAP participant.

  • Be enrolled as a full-time student in the final year of a course of study at an accredited educational institution leading to a degree in a health profession other than medicine, dentistry, or osteopathic medicine.

  • Be enrolled in the final year of an approved residency program leading to specialty qualification in medicine, dentistry, or osteopathic medicine.

Application process - the application process is different for an applicant who is on active duty and for an applicant who is a new accession.

 The application process for an applicant on active duty - 

  • Intent to apply sent via e-mail to the Corps Chief's Office

  • Personal/Motivational statement

  • Loan Statement/Summary Sheet – Obtain this from your lender or their website (if loans were consolidated, applicant must submit copies of original loan documentation and consolidation document with application package)

  • Copy of Licensure and Board Certification/eligibility document

  • Officer Summary Record

  • Officer Performance Summary Record

  • Copies of your last five years of fitness reports; or all, if less than 5 years of service

  • Commanding Officer’s endorsement (per the enclosure in BUMED Note 1110)

  • Complete application packages, including items 2-8 above, must be sent to the appropriate Corps Office.

  • Once selected for the program, submit the lender release form and loan statement from the lenders.

The application process for a new accession - 

  • CNRC Accession HPLRP Award Letter

  • Lender Release Form filled out for each lender

  • Loan Statement/Summary Sheet – Obtained from each lender (if loans were consolidated applicant must submit copies of original loan documentation and consolidation document with application package)

  • Accession HPLRP Obligated Service Matrix

  • Accession HPLRP Contract

Amount awarded - maximum repayment is $40,000 minus 25% federal income taxes 

Contact - 

HPLRP Program Manager 

Commercial phone: 301-295-9977

HPLRP Analyst

Commercial phone: 301-295-3172

Commercial fax: 301-295-1811 

DSN Fax: 295-1811

Questions about the Application Process 


Navy Financial Assistance Program 

This program aims to pay your educationally-based tuition and your fees for up to 4 years of school and also provide a monthly stipend directly to you. After graduation, you’ll join the Navy’s active duty team as a commissioned officer. In return, you agree to serve a minimum of 2 years on active duty or year for year of scholarship, whichever is longer.

Amount awarded - the amount awarded through this program is over $300,000 during the course of a 4-year professional program.

Eligibility - To be eligible for the FAP program you must meet the following requirements:

  • A U.S. Citizen (dual citizenship not permitted).

  • Physically qualified for a commission in the U.S. Navy.

  • Accepted into an accredited residency training program in an area needed by the Navy.

  • II. Benefits: The HPSP/FAP scholarship program has the following benefit. For information on each of these benefits, please click on the link to the right.

  • Reimbursement for Required Books, Supplies and Equipment: Click here for information on HPSP FAP Reimbursement

  • Annual Training for HPSP (45 days) and FAP (14 days):Click here for information on HPSP and FAP Annual Training

  • Tuition Payment: Click here for information on HPSP FAP Tuition

  • A Stipend of $2276/month. Click here for information on Stipend Bonus and Grant

  • HPSP Signing Bonus for Medical and Dental Students of $20,000. Click here for information on Stipend Bonus and Grant

  • FAP Grant of $45,000 per year. click here for information on Stipend Bonus and Grant

  • Medical and Dental Health Insurance

  • Graduate Medical and Dental Education

Contact - 

Arlington Blvd

STE 5113 Falls Church

VA - 22042-5113

Airforce medical student loan repayment 

Members of the military serving in the air-force can take advantage of this program:

Financial Assistance Program

The key points through which the air force helps its members pay for the medical institution is by its Health Professions Scholarship Program. This is for students monthly who are yet to complete a degree.

  • Air Force Financial Assistance Program (FAP) might help you practitioners in the Air Force pay for their medical institution debt.

  • Familiar with it, Navy's program provides you a $45,000 for every year of residency and even has a monthly stipend of $2,000 for you.

  • On completion of your residency, you will be required to do a year of service for every year you receive FAP Plus on additional year.